Why did Bertrand Russell leave Christianity ? Bertrand Russell left Christianity and accepted atheism because: A] Jesus ordered Christians not to resist evil and if anyone slaps any Christian on the right cheek , the Christian must offer the left cheek also. B] Jesus ordered Christians not to judge anyone lest they should be judged too. C] Jesus ordered Christians to give their all wealth in charity if they want to be perfect Christians. D] Jesus asked Christians to cut their sinful hands or remove their sinful eyes or damage their sinful organs otherwise their whole bodies will burn in Hell. E] Jesus killed innocent pigs and cursed an innocent fig tree as stated in the Bible. F] Jesus prohibited divorce for all the Christians even if they suffer in unhappy marriages. G] Jesus frightened people with Hellfire unlike Socrates and Buddha. Conclusion Modern Christians follow Bertrand Russell or the people like him and leave Christianity and the...
Sahil Sharifdin Bhat is a lecturer and writer who has authored about a dozen books, hundreds of poems and around 4,000 quotes. His favourite subjects are (I) English literature, (II)English language,(III) World philosophy, (IV)Theology and (V) World history. He frequently shares his opinions on social media. Sahil believes that knowledge is more delicious than honey for curious souls. To learn more about him, simply type ''Sahil Sharifdin Bhat'' into the Google search bar. ➡️WELCOME⬅️