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A sample of the book titled ''Languageguard , the mother of all grammar books '' by SAHIL SHARIFDIN Bhat

  A sample of the book titled '' Languageguard , the mother of all grammar books '' by SAHIL SHARIFDIN Bhat Chapter 37 CONDITIONAL CLAUSES   What is a clause ?     Before trying to understand a clause, it is necessary that we should understand first Letter , word , phrase , idiom and sentence.   What is a letter ?  A letter is a written or printed sign representing a sound used in speech . There are 26 letters used in English language and they given below:  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  What is a word ?  A word is a meaningful combination of letters . It is a single unit of Language which means something and can be spoken or written. There are about one million words in English language but about 1, 70,000 words are in use . Cat , bat , rat etc are the simple examples of Word .  What is a phrase ?  A phrase is a group of words giving incomplete sense unless put in a context or used in a sentence. The...

Biography of Sahil Sharifdin Bhat

        Biography of Sahil Sharifdin Bhat    Residence : Pampore, pulwama,  J and k, India. Education : PG in English literature, M.ed, SET, NET Influences : Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy, Rumi, Amir khusraw, Allam Iqbal, Nietzsche, Samuel Beckett, Emerson, Ahmad Deedat Influenced : Talib Hilal, Muntazir Nisar , Irfan , Syed Faisal, Zubair sofi, Mir Saquib Farooq, Arshid Ahmad shah etc Notable poems:  Rebirth,  Success in postmodern world,  I was once sixteen,  Rise and Fall,  Bible of love,  Our teachers,  George Floyd,  Marital status: single Occupations : poet, lecturer,  author, quotewriter, YouTuber, blogger, Gymer, social reformer, public speaker. Email : Introduction Sahil Sharifdin Bhat is a poet, lecturer, quotewriter, YouTuber, article writer, gymer, social reformer, and public speaker. He is a growing versatile personality. While in the state of Jammu and Kashmir the ...

*Learning Tips For students*

 Some students complain that they feel unable to memorise lessons.  *_Museebat ye hai ke sari dunya bachchu ko kehti hai '' Yaad Karo, Yaad Karo '' , Lakin koi nehi batata hai ke '' Yaad kaise karte Hain ? '' _* * Learning Tips For students * 1] Learn one question daily for the first week . Then, two questions daily in the second week . Likewise,  increase your learning speed gradually every week till you reach your limits . It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop .  2] Learn new questions early in the morning . Do revisions after lunch and in the evening. 3] Learn the questions of the easy subjects [EVs , Ëñglish, IP, bio etc ] first and then pick up tough subjects [physics, chemistry etc]  4] Give up watching serials , movies , social media stuff etc . Use your brains completely for studies —at least for the first few weeks . A brain can never focus properly on many things simultaneously. Choose between your studi...

Opinion of Dr Allama Iqbal on the Palestine conflict

Opinion of Dr Allama Iqbal on the  Palestine conflict  There is no doubt whatsoever that Dr Allama Iqbal was one of the top Muslim intellectuals of the 20th century. He studied  English, Arabic , Persian , Urdu , law , History , philosophy and various other disciplines in the colleges and the universities of Lahore , England and Germany . He performed his duties as a lawyer in Lahore High court , as a professor in Lahore college and as a statesman ,the head of the Muslim League. He was indeed a gift of Allah to the modern Muslim community. He was a wonder man . He observed all people of all regions meticulously and offered them timely guidance and advice to the best of his efficiency . His eyes wept blood and his heart ached him intensely whenever he saw any Muslim in trouble anywhere.  With regard to the rights of the people of  Palestine , he struggled a lot and it is obvious in his poetry . The following Verses by him bear witness to the fact that he did not ...

Am I really a misogynist? [ A story by sahil Sharifdin English]

  Am I really a misogynist?   _by Sahil Sharifdin English It is one of my   several true stories , wallah :    I taught a girl in 12th class and then she joined college , started a stylish life and stopped looking at me , not to talk of greeting me whenever she saw me anywhere. She forgot that I was her teacher who had already enjoyed college life , university life and many other lives which she could not have even dreamed of at that age .   I believe that a person must let his/her face shine brightest on the sky but he/she must , under no circumstances , detach the feet from the earth .   Unfortunately, she failed in General English in the 1st year and then   contacted me. Some people have that shameless face . They know how to talk sweetly in need and how to ignore the helper once their job is done. I hid the anger and taught her again— free. She didn't come near me to greet or   call me for the next two years . Next, she began to d...

The True Heirs of Palestine ?

The True Heirs of Palestine ?                            ©️Image credit: rightful owner Who does Palestine belong to according to the holy Bible ?  The holy Bible answers that Palestine belongs to the seed  [biological children ] of the prophet Abraham. Read the verse quoted below: Genesis 17:8 [KJV] And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan [Palestine], for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. However, the next question is that who are the children of the prophet Abraham ?  The holy Bible again answers that the biological children of the prophet Abraham are Jews and Arabs as the Jews descended from Isaac and the Arabs descended from Ishmael . Isaac and Ishmael are the two legitimate sons of Abraham and the holy Bible bears witness to it : Genesis 16:15 [KJV] And Hagar bare Abraham a son: and Abraham called h...

Names of the 68 Muslim nations by sahil Sharifdin English

    [Note: this info was removed many a times by anti-muslim hackers . Plz copy and forward it to other sites ]  Names of the 68 Muslim nations IntroductionπŸ‘‡ Learn the names of the 68 Muslim nations and teach your kids too. The biased media is hiding the real information about Islam and Muslims. They leave no stone unturned to make Muslims feel weak, backward and less confident. ........................ Disclaimer: The  material for the list was taken from the book, CONTEMPORARY MUSLIM WORLD by Dr Afzal Iqbal, WIKIPEDIA,  OIC website and various other sources of knowledge. Dated : 18/05/2021 1 Afghanistan 2. Albania 3. Algeria 4. Azerbaijan 5. Bahrain 6. Bangladesh 7. Benin 8.Bosina Herzegovinia 9. Brunei 10. Burkina faso 11. Cameroon 12. Chad 13. Cocos Islands 14. Comoros 15. Dgibouti 16.  Egypt 17. Eritrea 18. Ethiopia 19. Gabon 20. Gayana 21. Guinea 22. Guinea  of  Bissau 23. Indonesia 24. Iran 25. Iraq ...

Al_Aqsa is Not a Masjid

  Al-Aqsa is NOT a Masjid       (By Sahil Sharifdin English )  Al-Aqsa is not just a Masjid but a group of Masjids built in a compound of 35 acres . The whole compound and all the holy structures inside it are dearest to Muslims after the holy kaba and Madina . The Al-Aqsa compound is located upon a small hill or mount called The Temple Mount by some historians . The Al-Aqsa compound is known by a few other names : The Noble Sanctuary, Haram-sharif , Al-Qudus , the mount of God etc . For Muslims, the Noble Compound hosts Islam’s third holiest site, the al-Qibli Mosque, the Dome of the Rock , a seventh-century structure believed to be the place from where the Prophet Muhammad ο·Ί ascended to heavens to perform Miraa'j and a few other holy structures built inside it .  Some Jews believe the compound is where the Biblical Jewish temples once stood, but Jewish law and the Israeli Rabbinate forbid Jews from entering the compound and praying there, as it i...

If they have freedom to activate all men sexually? By SAHIL SHARIFDIN ENGLISH

  If they have freedom to activate all men sexually ?  [By SAHIL SHARIFDIN English] Yes, I love poetry . Yes , I am a Muslim. Yes , I have read European poetry to a great extent . Yes, I have read Rabia Balkhi who is being advertised among muslim populace   by the enemies of Islam . Yes, I have gone through the poetry of Rabia Basri who is not even mentioned by the enemies of islam . The hypocrites who talk of women empowerment and women upliftment are advertising only Rabia Balkhi and not Rabia Basri . But why ? I tell you why :  Rabia Balkhi is inviting towards Rebellion against men and Rabia Basri is calling for the Surrender to Allah . I would not allow my sister, mother , wife  or daughter to jump into a river . I will not allow them to eat poison or hold a live electric wire in hands . I will , under no circumstances , permit them to go into the battle field where two hostile armies are fighting each other with tanks , jets and machine guns. I will no...