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Showing posts with the label English Literature

Complete English Literature Syllabus For UGC NET/SET/GATE/PSC

  Complete English Literature Syllabus For UGC NET/SET/GATE/PSC  {If you'd like to access an enhanced version of this entire syllabus and more, please visit Amazon Kindle by clicking the link below:   πŸ‘‰ πŸ“Ž Amazon Kindle Version } —Sahil Sharifdin Bhat Introduction: English Literature students in Jammu and Kashmir, as well as other parts of India, typically study only about 5% of the NET and SET syllabus at universities. The remaining 95% must be covered through self-study at home or with the assistance of coaching centers. Unfortunately, not all students can afford the expenses of coaching centers. To address this gap, I have made a humble effort to guide students on what to study in order to succeed in national and state-level exams in English Literature. However, before I delve into the details, there are a few important points I would like to share. English literature is not just a subject; it is an ocean. Unlike other academic fields, it transcends mere study and ...