Someone Whom I Want To Eat There are people called ' Strangers ' Who pose me no threats , no dangers. They see me daily but do not talk; I see them daily and ahead I walk. Then there are people ' Less Friendly ' Who like to speak with me rarely. Or, chat in a year once or twice. Or, call when they need my advice. Next group is made of my ' Ex-friends ' Who could not leave me for two seconds. Then they grew clever and left me alone— No meet , no message and no telephone. Then there are people ' Very Friendly ' Who meet me often and talk Kindly. They laugh and eat and travel with me. I love them like the whale loves sea. Then there is that ' Intimate Person ' , Sweet and sour like a lemon. Someone who increases my heartbeat; Someone whom I want to eat. Someone who knows my private life Someone dearer than friends and wife. [ Poet : Sahil Sharifdin Bhat ]
Sahil Sharifdin Bhat is a lecturer and writer who has authored about a dozen books, hundreds of poems and around 4,000 quotes. His favourite subjects are (I) English literature, (II)English language,(III) World philosophy, (IV)Theology and (V) World history. He frequently shares his opinions on social media. Sahil believes that knowledge is more delicious than honey for curious souls. To learn more about him, simply type ''Sahil Sharifdin Bhat'' into the Google search bar. ➡️WELCOME⬅️