''I think a young individual needs the following Twelve things to have a simple and happy life: 1] Health 2] Parents 3] Formal Education 4] Faith in the Creator 5] Wealth 6] Loyal people around 7] Liberty 8] Leisure and entertainment 9] A Profession/occupation 10] Compassion for others 11] Staying away from toxic people and things 12] Continuous Learning ( Sahil Sharifdin Bhat )
Sahil Sharifdin Bhat is a lecturer and writer who has authored about a dozen books, hundreds of poems and around 4,000 quotes. His favourite subjects are (I) English literature, (II)English language,(III) World philosophy, (IV)Theology and (V) World history. He frequently shares his opinions on social media. Sahil believes that knowledge is more delicious than honey for curious souls. To learn more about him, simply type ''Sahil Sharifdin Bhat'' into the Google search bar. ➡️WELCOME⬅️