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Daddy, Listen To Me


Esteemed dignitaries, adorable participants , I wish you with the Islamic greetings Asalamualaikum werehmatullahi webarakatahu 

The topic of this wonderful seminar is '' Dear Daddy , Listen to me '' .  The topic connotes that the desperate voices of children fall on the deaf ears of modern parents. The percentage of  open and broad-minded parents is almost negligible. One of the universal laws is : What goes around, comes around . Therefore, Open minded parents beget open minded children . Loving parents beget loving children. Happy parents beget happy children and healthy parents produce healthy children . Remember, today's children are the leaders of tomorrow and the sad children of today will not create happy nations tomorrow.  All religions and all isms teach that parents are the caretakers , not the owners or the masters of their children. The job of the parents is to look after their children, not to impose things upon them . It is a moral duty of children to be obedient to their parents . In the same breath , I tell you that it is a moral obligation of parents to be kind and merciful to their children. It is love and affection that can work miracles , not force or tyranny. Can any Muslim present here in the audience quote a single incident from the life of the holy prophet Muhammad Pbuh proving that He ever thrashed His kids ? ... Proving that He ever rejected the request of His kids ? Proving that He ever imposed things upon them ? 

The oppression upon kids or apathy towards the genuine needs of kids is not grounded in love and care , rather , it is rooted in fear and distrust . So dear daddy , listen to me before it gets late . Listen to my throbbing , whispering , pulsation and sighs . Listen to my opinions, suggestions, requests and questions. Daddy , I want to study the books of my choice . I want to eat the food of my choice . I want to visit the places of my choice . I want to wear the clothes of my choice . I want to interact with the people of my choice . I want to go to the school of my choice .  I have a brain and I can distinguish between the right and the wrong . I can differentiate between the evil and the good . Let me fall so that I shall learn to stand . Let me drop so that I shall learn to fly . Let me fail so that I shall be able to appreciate success better . Let me do mistakes so that I shall value corrections more . Daddy , listen to me . Daddy , let me choose my path . Daddy , let me choose my belief. Daddy , let me choose my dreams . Daddy , let me choose my aims and objectives. Daddy , let me choose my way of life . Daddy , listen to me . When I was to use your brain , why was I born with the brain ? When I was to use your tongue , why was I born with the tongue? When I was to use your eyes and ears , why was I born with new eyes and new ears ? Daddy , listen to me . Be my friend, not my owner . Be my guide , not my boss . Be my well-wisher, not my usurper . Daddy , make not me your follower ; make me a great leader of the world. Daddy , use not me to fulfill your unfulfilled dreams,  rather , set me free to chase my dreams . Daddy , wipe not my smiles away with your frowns . Suppress not my voice with your threats . Make not me a patient of depression, anxiety , sucide mania or cynicism with your anger , indifference and apathy . Daddy , Destroy not the spring of my childhood with the unbearable coldness of your winter . Daddy , listen to me today when I am a helpless child and you a powerful adult so that I shall listen to you tomorrow  when you will be a helpless oldy and I shall be a liberated adult   . Daddy listen to me . Daddy listen to me.  


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