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The confusions regarding '’ The Adventure '’ by Jayant Narlikar solved by Sahil Sharifdin Ëñglísh


Mystery solved .

The confusions regarding '’ The Adventure '’ by Jayant Narlikar solved by Sahil Sharifdin Ëñglísh


The chapter titled ''The Adventure'' is confusing the students and ordinary teachers equally. The reason is that it describes an unusual and unbelievable journey undertaken by a history professor named Gangadharpant . The second reason is that the chapter is comprised upon two  parts . The textbook , Hornbill contains only the second part and the part one that deals with the nature and habits of the professor Gaitonde [ Gangadharpant ] , his truck accident and hospitalisation  has not been included in it [ in Hornbill] . The step wise  summary of the  part two of The Adventure is given below in the easiest words possible :


( Professor Gaitonde has come out of coma and now he is on a bed and narrating an unbelievable and strange story to Dr Rajendra at a hospital in Pune . Remember, he had had a truck accident and had been in coma for two days .  )


1] As the part two of The Adventure begins , the reader finds the professor Gaitonde telling Dr Rajendra that he was going in train [ the Jijamata Express ] to Mumbai to meet his son,  Vinay who was working in Forbes in Mumbai.

2] He adds that the roads , shops , people and everything that he saw in Mumbai were alien to him . He found Mumbai quite different. It was ruled by Britishers . A fellow passenger , khan Sahab told him that India and Pakistan were still a single country. Plus, he reached at the address where his son was supposed to be  working but he didn't find him there .

3] Shocked and confused with the things around, he tried to solve that mystery. Therefore, he went to a library [ the library of the Asiatic society] and began to read the history of India once again.

4] All his confusions were cleared in the library and he found the following important things from history books there :

A) The third battle of Panipat that was fought in 1761 between the Marathas and Ahmad Shah abdali was won by the Marathas.

B) The Britishers were kicked out by the Marathas from the entire India  and asked to remain in parts of Mumbai, Calcutta and Madras till the year 2001 and then leave India for ever.

C)  The Mughal kings were puppets of the Marathas and they did whatever they were asked to do .

D) The Marathas welcomed democracy and  the Maratha rulers were gradually replaced by democratically elected leaders. India seemed a developed country .

5] Meanwhile, the librarian asked the professor Gaitonde to leave the library as it was time to close the library for that day . So, the professor put a few handwritten notes in one pocket and stole a history book and put it in another pocket and left the library. He stayed in a guest house .

6] He told Dr Rajendra that later he went on a walk towards Azad Maidan and tried to deliver a lecture to an audience there . However, the audience disliked him , attacked him with eggs and tomatoes and threw him out . 


7] Dr Rajendra was shocked to hear this strange story . He thought  that the professor had had a dream and laughed at the story as it was against the historical facts as well as common sense.

8] The story of the professor Gaitonde became more interesting when he produced the handwritten notes and a torn page from the  book stolen from the library as a proof to support his story that he visited Mumbai physically and it was not a dream . He had lost the book at Azad  Maidan and he had retained only a page of it somehow. Seeing the proof, Dr Rajendra was also dumfounded. He thought that how could a person be in coma in a hospital of Pune and at the same time travel a Mumbai that doesn't exist historically.

9] Subsequently, Dr Rajendra told the professor Gaitonde that there are a few scientific theories like catastrophe theory and quantum theory that can help  us to understand his strange journey. There is a possibility of being more than one worlds and truths and it is possible to go from one world to another world miraculously.

Thus , professor Gaitonde delivered his 1000th presidential speech in another world or in dream .

The purpose of the chapter is same as of the movies Which show that going in future or past by means of Time Machines is possible or which show that there   are many invisible worlds on the planet earth , which the ordinary people don't see.


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