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Showing posts from July, 2021

*کاش ایسی پری ہوتی ، ایسا پیار ہوتا

  *کاش ایسی پری ہوتی ،  ایسا پیار ہوتا!* میں صُبح سویرے کسی گاؤں میں، پیڑوں کے ٹھنڈی چھاؤں میں ، ایک پری کو ہنستے ہوئے دیکھوں! کھیتی میں کام کرتے ہوئے دیکھوں! پُھولوں کی ڈالیوں جیسے ہو بال، اور سرخ اناروں جیسے ہو گال ! ہونٹ نہ ہو گلاب کی پتیاں ہو! شراب کے پیالوں جیسی ا َ نکھیاں ہو ! دودھ کے رنگ کی لمبی گردن ہو! بُھنویں خنجر،  ریشم سا بدن ہو ! باتیں ہو اُس کی میٹھے گیت ! ہر حرکت ہو اُس کی من پریت ! نرم دل ہو، فلسفیانہ ہو دماغ ! نیک سیرت ہو، دامن ہو بے داغ!  شرم و حیا ہی  اُس کا گہنا ہو! اُس کے ہاتھوں کا میٹھا کھانا ہو! میں پہلے ا ُ سے دوست بنا لیتا! دھیرے دھیرے ہمیں پیار ہو جاتا! وہ میرے آسمان  کا  روشن چاند ہوتی ! روٹھتی  نہ  کبھی وہ ، نہ غصّہ کرتی ! وہ کسی کی باتوں میں کبھی نہ آتی ! وہ میرے لیے سارے جہاں سے جگھڑتی ! میری ہر بات وہ  سچ  مان لیتی  ! میرے ہر اشارے کو وہ پہچان لیتی! میرے سینے میں ا ُ س کا دل دھڑکتا! میں روح اُس کی,  وہ میرا بدن ہوتا ! میرا گھر جنّت ، وہ میری حور ہوتی! میں ہمت ا ُ س...

Over Five Hundred words of daily use

  Over Five hundred words of daily use ? Introduction The raw material of a written language is words . The more words of a Language a Speaker  knows , the better speaker he is . According to an estimate, there are about one million words in English language and out of them about two lac words are in use . A non-native speaker of English language needs to know 100 to 2000 words of English language in order to satisfy his basic needs of  communication in today's world. The number of pronouns , Prepositions , conjunctions and interjections that a non-native speaker needs in his daily life does not exceed a thousand words . However, a Speaker of English language must learn more and more nouns , adjectives and verbs in order to become a confident speaker  . He should know the names of the items of his daily use and names of counties, vegetables, oceans , flowers , fruits , animals etc in English language. In view of the same , I have listed below over five hundred wo...

Midterm General English paper for 12th class #CBSE

  Midterm General English paper for 12th class  #CBSE SECTION A            (READING COMPREHENSION)  1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:         (5marks) Friendship is one of the most cherished relationship on earth. Poets and priests have alike sung praises of it. It gives to life not only charms but also a meaning. Friendship is a mother of mutual love, respect, and love alone can breed love. In fact,  true friend, is one who stands by us through thick and thin. He knows us well. He knows our positive points,as well as negative ones. He is fearless in telling us our faults and bad qualities. He is understanding, uncomplaining and ever helpful. One is very fortunate if one gets true friends in life.   Questions:    a) The most cherished relationship on earth is ............... .  . b) True friend also tells us our ................ .  c) If one get...

Midterm General English paper for 11th class

Midterm General English paper for 11th class  Class : 11th Subject; General English Exam : Midterm , 2021 Max marks : 30   Total No. Of questions : 06 NOTE :- This question paper was made according to the CBSE guidelines. It has FOUR sections . It is like the board paper but in miniature form .    SECTION [A]  Q. NO. 1  . Read the given passage and answer the questions following it .  a) The author recalls his grandmother as a very old lady with a wrinkled face. She appeared so old that it was hard for him to believe that she had once been “young and pretty”. She was short, fat and a little stooped in appearance. The author remembers her moving about the house in “spotless white”, counting the beads of her rosary while her lips moved constantly in silent prayers. She was not “pretty” in the traditional sense, yet her serenity made her “beautiful”. b) In the initial years of his life, the author lived with his grandmother in the village, sharing a good ...

Will you marry me?

  Will you marry me?  [A poem by SAHIL SHARIFDIN Bhat] My income ,home , car , and caste—all are small .  Would you still like to marry me , my doll ?  If yes , I promise I will treat you as a queen  And gift you floral crowns and earrings green .  Our sleeping bed will be a lush green grassy floor  Which breeze sweeps , dew mops and poets adore .   I promise to kiss your eyes before your tears fall . I will give you all my smiles and take your tears all . Our job will be to love ourselves and help others . We will respect all religions, races and cultures .  Our children will be raised like birds and flowers . Our family will be cheerful and happy in all hours .   We will trust the creator for all our needs .  We will not judge others on their deeds .  I will never hurt you and never leave you alone . And treat your flesh and bone as my flesh and bone .  We will create a small paradise on this earth . Wil...

62 Important questions from General English for 12th class

  62 Important questions from General English for 12th class  ================== Marks Division👇 Class : 12th   Subject : General English Year : 2023 ------------------------------------- Writing skills/grammar: 40 marks Project:  20 marks   Unseen Passage: 10 marks   Textbooks: 3 0 marks  Total : 100 marks   JKBOSE , 2023  ==================== [ Flamingo] 1]What had been put up on the bulletin-board? 2]The people in this story suddenly realise how precious their language is to them. What shows you this? Why does this happen? 3]What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day? 4]Is Saheb happy working at the tea-stall? Explain. 5] What makes the city of Firozabad famous? 6]. Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry. 7]What is the “misadventure ” that William Douglas speaks about?  8] How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?   9]What made the peddler think that he had indeed fallen into a ...