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Hundred Greatest Muslims of All Time

Hundred Greatest Muslims of All Time 

'' It is incumbent upon every Muslim to gain knowledge . An illiterate person can not be a good Muslim . In Islam , gaining and spreading knowledge is a big worship and the value of the ink of a scholar's pen and that of the blood of a martyr will be the same on the day Judgement . A Muslim has a share from the rewards of the people whom he teaches good things without deducting their rewards . He has also a share from the punishment of the people whom he teaches evil things without deducting their punishment . The first word of the Quran revealed to the prophet Muhammad ο·Ί was ' Read ' . Therefore, a Muslim must read the holy Quran , the Ahadith , the Islamic history , Islamic Sciences besides gaining prevalent areas of knowledge. A blind person and a seeing person are not equal. Likewise , a literate Muslim and an illiterate Muslim are not equal . In fact , the sleep of an Alim [ Muslim scholar ] is better than the nightly worship of Jahil [ ignorant of true Islam ] . Given below is the list of the hundred greatest Muslims of all time and a Muslim is supposed to learn about all of them : 

(I) Prophet : 

1. Hazret Muhammad ο·Ί 

(II) Great Leaders : 

2. Abu Bakr 

3. Umar the Great 

4. Usman 

5. Ali (The Lion Hearted) 

6. Abuzar Ghaffari 

7. Imam Hussain 

8. Umar bin Abdul Aziz 

(III) Great Women: 

9. Khadija tal-Kubra 

10. Aisha Siddiqa

 11. Fatima az-Zahra 

12. Rabia Basri 

IV) Religious Teachers, Legists and Traditionists : 

13. Imam Jafar Sadiq 

14. Imam Abu Hanifa 

15. Imam Malik 

16. Imam Shafii 

17. Imam Hanbal 

18. Imam Bukhari 

19. Imam Muslim 

20. Imam Ghazali 

21. Imam ibn Taimiya  

 V) Sufis and Saints: 

22. Abdul Qadir Jilani 

23. Bayazid Bustami

24. Data Ganj Bakhsh 

25. Khawaja Mueenuddin Chishti 

26. Ibrahim bin Adham  

27. Nizamuddin Aulia 

VI) Thinkers and Scientists: 

28. Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khawarizmi 

29. Jabir ibn Hayyan 

30. Abu Ishaq Kindi 

31. Zakrriya al-Razi 

32. Abu Ali Sina 

33. Al-Biruni 

34. Ibn al-Haitham 

35. Ibn al-Baitar 

36. Ibn Rushd 

37. Al-Mawardi 

38. Nasir al-Din Toosi 

39. Abul Qasim al-Zahrawi 

40. Sir Shah Muhammad Sulaiman 

VII) Poets and Writers : 

41. Mutanabbi 

42. Firdausi 

43. Sa'adi 

44. Hafiz Shirazi 

45. Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi 

46. Umar Khayyam 

47. Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib 

48. Maulana Altaf Husain Hali 

49. Maulana Shibli Nomani 

50. Allama Iqbal 

51. Maulvi Abdul Haq 

52. Syed Sulaiman Nadvi 

VIII) Artists and Musicians: 

53. Abu Nasr Farabi 

54. Amir Khusrou 

55. Mian Tansen 

56. Sinan  

57. Behzad 

58 Ibn al-Bawwab 

59. Bundoo Khan 

IX) Reformers, Revolutionaries and Patriots: 

60. The Saint of Sirhind 

61. Shah Waliullah 

62. Shaikh Abd al-Wahhab 

63. Syed Ahmad Barelvi 

64. Jamaluddin Afghani 

65. Syed Ahmad Khan 

66. Mustafa Kamal 

67. Maulana Muhammad Ali 

68. Maulana Hasrat Mohani 

69. Muhammad Ali Jinnah 

X) Rulers, Statesmen and Administrators: 

70. Waleed-The Umayyad Caliph 

71. Haroon-ar-Rashid 

72. Yahya Barmaki 

73. Mamoon-ar-Rashld 

74. Abdur Rahman al-Nasir  

75. Nizamul Mulk Toosi 

76. Sultan Mahmood of Ghazni 

77. Zahiruddin Babur 

78. Sher Shah Suri 

79. Sulaiman the Magnificent 

80. Aurangzeb Alamgir 

81. Tipu Sultan 

82. Malik Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud 

83. Malik Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz 

XI) Soldiers,Generals and Conquerors: 

84. Sa'ad ibn Wakkas 

85. Khalid bin Waleed 

86. Musa ibn Nusair 

86. Tariq ibn Ziyad 

88. Muhammad bin Qasim 

89. Sultan Bayazid Yildirim 

90. Timur,the World Conqueror 

91. Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi   

92. Muhammad II, The Conqueror, (Seventh Ruler of the 471 Ottoman dynasty.) 

93. Yusuf ibn Tashfin  

94. Khairuddin Barbarossa  

95. Ahmad Shan Abdali  

XII) Historians, Geographers and Explorers: 

96. Tabari 

97. Al-Masudi 

98. Ibn Khaldun 

99. Ibn Batuta 

100. Sulaiman al-Mahiri  


Sahil Sharifdin Bhat



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