To you , your Deen ; to me , the Deen of the prophet Muhammad ο·Ί
Sahil Sharifdin Bhat
Some people offered prayers five times daily behind the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the famous Masjid of Madina but that did not save them from hellfire. Some people performed Jihad with the prophet of Islam (PBUH) against the enemies of Islam but they still entered Hell . Likewise , some people read the holy Quran daily but follow the instructions , desires and opinions of their teachers , imams, muftis and others and assume they are Muslims and all others are Kuffar and non-Muslims. May Allah guide them ! According to a survey, there are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world today but I think there is not a single Muslim in the world . Do you know why? It is because I hear Sunnis saying that shias are Kuffar and I also hear shias preaching that Sunnis are Kuffar. I also hear Barailvis shouting that Deobandis and wahabis are not Muslims and I hear deobandis and Wahabis lecturing that Barailvis are not Muslims. These claims are no longer secret , rather , they are taught , preached , discussed and fought for overtly in books , in Masjids and on the social media. The result of this foolishness, ignorance and narrowmindedness is that the Muslim youth who are pursuing modern education in schools, colleges and universities feel fed up with the molvis and imams and enter happily the fold of agnosticism or atheism or secularism . According to authentic reports published by Wikipedia ,there are now 22% apostates in Iran , 19% apostates in Saudi Arabia and the number of such apostates is alarmingly growing in Pakistan, India , Bangladesh and in other countries. It is a pity that modern molvis and imams are unknowingly pushing the youth to kufur and atheism only and only to enlarge their respective sects . It is a bigger pity that the same molvis and imams teach their followers to curse the international Da’ees who made thousands of people accept Islam and , instead , praise blindly those molvis , muftis and so called imams who did not ever succeed to convince a single non-Muslim to accept Islam .
The holy Quran clearly commands Muslims ' to call people to Allah and name yourselves Muslims ' . (Quran 41:33) But , I see molvis and imams invite people to different sects and teach them to name themselves Barailvis, salafis , wahabis , Qadris , sufis and whatnot. How shamelessly some people call themselves ' proud Barailvis' or ‘proud salafis’ or ‘proud shias’ or ‘proud sunis’ when the holy Quran commands them to call themselves ' Muslims'? I see Barailvi shops , Salafi shops , shia shops , Deobandi shops , sufi shops etc but no Islamic shop in the market of Islam. The tree of Islam that the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) watered with his holy sweat and blood and with the sweat and blood of his Suhaba is withering fast today with mutual hate and antipathy of modern molvis and imams. They have brought autumn upon this holy tree for their personal gains and that is the main reason that some born Muslims turn into apostates and the rest of Muslims are trampled under feet by non-Muslims all over the world.
The Islam taught by the holy prophet (PBUH) is easy and simple. He taught us to read the holy Quran and to worship the creator and love the creation . On the contrary, the Islam of modern molvis and imams is tough and confusing because they preach us to read this book and that book and to bow before this imam , that grave , this wali , that Gous, this tree and that stone. Jubayr ibn Mut’am reported: We were with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said, “Do you not bear witness that there is no God but Allah without any partner, that I am the messenger of Allah, and that the Quran has come from Allah?” We said, “Of course.” The Prophet said, “Then rejoice, for one end of this Quran is in the hand of Allah and the other is in your hands, so hold fast to it. Verily, you will never be ruined or led astray ever again.”
All religious people on the planet earth believe in one God , then how are they unlike Muslims? They are unlike Muslims because they don’t follow the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and they worship God as well as other entities along with God. For example, Hindus worship the main God , Brahma as well as Ram , Krishna , Lakshmi , Hanuman , Ganesha etc along with Brahma. Christians worship the heavenly Father as well as as the holy Ghost , Jesus and saints along with the heavenly Father. Some Muslims worship Allah and many saints along with Allah. Seeking help from Allah is a dua and every dua is a worship. Muslims must make dua only and only to Allah. When they make dua to dead saints or Walis or ask the dead people for help , they deviate from the true Islam . The holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH) never asked any dead person for help. He never made dua to any dead wali or prophet . In fact , he prohibited it . Al-Nu’man ibn Bashir reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Dua is worship itself.” Then, the Prophet recited the verse, “Your Lord said: Call upon Me and I will respond to you. Verily, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell in humiliation.” (Quran 40:60) . A true ummati of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) will never do shirk or kufur. It is the fake ummati of him who does shirk and kufur in the name of Islam.
The prophet Muhammad ο·Ί never said that he was sunni or shia or Hanafi or Salafi or wahabi or Barailvi or Sufi or Deobandi . He never asked any dead person for help . He worshipped Allah , asked help from Him and praised Him and only Him alone.
He wept when his friends and relatives were martyred at Badr but he did not weep for them every year like some people weep for Hazret Hussain every year. He held fast ( Saum) on every Monday to celebrate his birthday but he did not cut cakes and wandered street to street with his followers on 12th Rabbi ul Awwal annually. He did not listen to music and then called himself 'sufi'. He did not come out of his holy grave to help Hazret Hussain against the forces of Yazid bin Mawiya. ( No wali can come out of his grave to help the living people anywhere .) He did not slap anyone or abuse anyone or support any sect. He was against all sects. We must follow his Islam , not the Islam created by Abdul Wahab or Ahamd Raza Khan or Ashraf Ali thanvi or Abu Ala Madoodi or Ayat Ullah Khomeni or anybody else. They were scholars and we must respect them and follow only those teachings of them that do not contradict with the teachings of the holy Quran and that do not spread hate and anger amongst Muslims. The Suhabi read and re-read only the holy Quran and followed the instructions of their prophet ο·Ί and they were the best Muslims . They did not read the books of Abdul Wahab or Ahamd Raza Khan or Ashraf Ali thanvi or Abu Ala Madoodi or anybody . We also can become the best Muslims by reading the holy Quran and by following the instructions of the holy prophet (PBUH) . We do not need to read the books of Abdul Wahab or Ahamd Raza Khan or Ashraf Ali thanvi or Abu Ala Madoodi or others in order to become the best Muslims. We hate one another and we are confused , worried and hateful Muslims only because we don't read the holy Quran with meaning , instead , we read the books of Abdul Wahab or Ahamd Raza Khan or Ashraf Ali thanvi or Abu Ala Madoodi or others. As stated above , a huge percentage of the modern Muslim youth hate Islam and accept atheism and agnosticism after witnessing molvis and muftis fighting in streets , in Masjids and on the social media like cats and monkeys . It is not easy to accept truth and reject falsehood. It takes great courage and enormous bravery. We must fear Allah only and follow boldly the true Deen that was given to us by the prophet Muhammad ο·Ί , not the deens created by molvis , imams and Muftis for their vested interests.
To conclude, there are thousands of clear verses in the holy Quran that clearly teach us to worship only Allah and seek help only from Him but the fake Muslims do not pay attention to them . They pay attention to the verse that can be misinterpreted and with which common Muslims can be misguided and then they can be pushed to worship dead Walis or saints or ask help from them. Walis and imams and saints should be respected but not worshipped. The living Muslims must ask Allah to bless the dead Muslims. They must not ask the dead saints or Walis to bless the living Muslims. Don’t be impressed with the sweet voices and tall turbans and long robes of Molvis. Don’t follow the Molvis that use foul language on pulpits against one another. Don’t follow the molvis or imams who instruct you to listen to them only and not to listen to the Molvis of other sects. In fact , listen to everyone but follow only that which matches with the holy Quran and teachings of the holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The people come to Islam to obtain happiness, love and peace. Don’t fill their heads with hate and anger against their fellow- Muslims. Don’t give the Muslim youth any reason to leave Islam and accept kufur . Invite people to Allah with affection and patience, not to your ideologies and sects. Follow the greatest Imam , imam ul Anbiya , the holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and succeed in both the worlds.
About The Author
The author lives at Lethapora Pulwama. His books are available on Amazon and Flipkart . He can be reached at
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