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Kashmiri English Literature

Kashmiri English Literature  (1880CE–2030CE)

The best literature of the valley of Kashmir has been written in Kashmiri language. However, the number of the writers preferring English language to Kashmiri or Urdu languages is growing with the passage of time. My dream is to make the list of all the writers of the Kashmir valley writing in English language. It will be my pleasure if you help me fulfill my dream. Kindly email me the name of the Kashmir writer and the titles of his/her published books. My email ID is


English language arrived in the valley in the  final quarter of the nineteenth century .  The first English Medium school , Tyndale Biscoe School  was opened by missionaries in 1876 CE at Lal chowk in the heart of Srinagar . J  Hilton Knowles was the first principal of Tyndale Biscoe and he held the post from 1876 CE  to 1880 CE . He also authored ' A dictionary of Kashmiri Proverbs and sayings (1880) ' and ' Folk-tales of Kashmir  (1893) ' . Furthermore , Sir Walter Roper Lawrence was appointed as the settlement Commissioner for Jammu and Kashmir between 1889 and 1894 , during the rule of Maharaja Pratap Singh and he penned down the book  ' The Valley of Kashmir ' in 1895 CE , which is known as the first encyclopaedia of Kashmir written in English language.


Given below are the catagory wise  lists of the writers who are from Kashmir or write in English language on Kashmir:

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Anglo-Kashmiri Authors

Rev. J  Hilton Knowles


·       A dictionary of Kashmiri Proverbs

·       Folk-tales of Kashmir


Sir Walter Roper Lawrence (1857-1940)

Book: The Valley of Kashmir [1895]


Alan Moorehead (1910-1983)

Book: The Rage of the Vulture (1948)


Victoria Schofield [Alive]


·       Kashmir in the Crossfire (1996)

·       Kashmir in Conflict: India, Pakistan, and the Unending War (2000)


Rosie Thomas (1947 born)

Book: The Kashmir Shawl (2011)


Thomas Russell Wade

Book: A Grammar of the KashmΔ«rΔ« Language


George Abraham Grierson (1851-1941)

Book: A Dictionary of the Kashmiri Language

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Kashmiri Writers writing in English

Ram Nath Kak (1917–1993)

Autobiography: Autumn Leaves


Aga Shahid Ali [ 1949-2001]


·       The Country Without a Post Office

·       Rooms Are Never Finished

·       The Rebel's Silhouette


Hari Kunzru [ born in 1969 ]


·       The Impressionist

·       Transmissions

·       Gods without men


Basharat Pir [ born in 1977]

·       Curfewed Night (2008)

·       A Question of Order: India, Turkey, and the Return of Strongmen (2017)


Mirza Waheed


·       The Collaborator (2012)

·       The Book of Gold Leaves (2014)

·       Tell Her Everything (2019)


Shahnaz Bashir


·       The Half Mother ( 2014)

·       Scattered Souls (2016)


Shafi Ahmad


·       The Half Widow

·       Shadows Beyond the Ghost Town (2014)


Nayeema Mehjoor

Book: Lost in terror


Zuni Chopra (born 2002)

Book: The House That Spoke  (2017)


Rahul Pandita (born 1976)


·       The Absent State (2010)

·       Hello, Bastar (2011)

·       Our Moon Has Blood Clots (2013)

·       The Lover Boy of Bahawalpur (2021)


Tooba Rashid

Book: Zerafa— A modern fairy tale


Saba Shafi


·       Dancing with the Daisies (2017)

·       Leaves From Kashmir (2017)


Malik Sajad

Book: Munnu: A Boy from Kashmir (2015)

Siddhartha Gigoo (1974 born)


·       The Garden of Solitude

·       A Fistful of Earth and Other Stories


Feroz Rather

Book: The Night of Broken Glass


Anita Krishan


·       Tears of Jhelum (2014)

·       The Burning Orchard

·       Running Up The Hill


Sanchit Gupta

Novel: The tree with a thousand apples (2016)


Trilokinath Raina


·       Habba Khaatoon & Arnimaal: The Queens of Songs

·       Majnoor and After- an anthology of modern kashmiri poetry

·       A history of Kashmiri literature

·       Dina Nath Nadim (book)


Neerja Mattoo 


·       The Stranger Beside Me

·       Contemporary Kashmiri Short Stories

·       Kath—Stories From Kashmir. 


Naseem Shafaie


·       Na Tschai Na Aks (Neither Shadow Nor Reflections) (2009)

·       Derche Machrith (Open Windows) (1999)


Frederick Ward Denys

Book: Our Summer in the Vale of Kashmir


Madhuri Vijay 

Book: Her debut novel on Kashmir, The Far Field.


History & politics writings:

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Sanjay Kak (1958)


·       Words on Water (2002)

·       Red Ant Dream (2013)

·       Jashan-e-Azadi (2007).


Munaza Rashid

 Book: Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora?


Khalid Bashir Ahmad [KAS]


·       Kashmir: Exposing the Myth Behind the Narrative (2017)

·       Kashmir: A Walk Through History (2019)


Mridu Rai

Book: Hindu rulers, Muslim subjects (2004)

Dr Saiba Varma

Book: Occupied Clinic: Militarism and Care in Kashmir (2020)


David Devadas

Book: In Search of a Future [2007]


Jagmohan Malhotra (1927-2021)

Book: My frozen turbulence in Kashmir (1993)


M J Akbar (born 1951)

Book: Kashmir: Behind the Vale (1991)


Radha Kumar


·       Frameworks For A Kashmir Settlement

·       Paradise at war: A political history of Kashmir


Khemlata Wakhlu

Book: A Kashmiri Century : Portrait of a Society in Flux


Rakhshan Rizwan

Book: Kashmiri Life Narratives: Human Rights, Pleasure and the Local Cosmopolitan


Christopher Snedden

Book: The Untold Story of the People of Azad Kashmir


Gowhar Geelani

Book: Kashmir: Rage and Reason


A S Daulat

Book: Kashmir: The Vajpayee Years


Ashok Dhar

Book: Kashmir As I See It: From within and afar


General N.C. Vij

Book: KASHMIR CONUNDRUM: The Quest for Peace in a Troubled Land


Iqbal Chand Malhotra &Maroof Raza.

Book: "Kashmir's Untold Story: Declassified"

 Rising English Writers of Kashmir

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Shabir Ahmed Mir

Book: Plague Upon Us 

Adeeba Riyaz 

 Book: 'Zeal of Pen' 

Zaakir Altaf

Book: Three Thousand Days 

Farah Bashir 

Book: Rumours of Spring: A Girlhood in Kashmir.

Bushra Nida 


Tulips of feelings

The Davy 

– Help me to complete this list by emailing me the names of the Kashmiri authors and the titles of their published books– @


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