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Origin of Christmas?


Origin of Christmas?

1] People used to celebrate #saturnalia [ Birthday of Saturn]  on 25th of December before Christianity came into existence.
According to #Roman mythology, Saturn was the son of Uranus (the sky) and Gaia (the Earth) same as Jesus is allegedly thought  to be the son of God. 
2] Later on, Christians hijacked saturnalia and renamed it 'Christmas'. Thus , they stole this festival from the Roman mythology in the Mediaeval Times. In 17th-century England, Christmas was banned by Puritans, but it was later reinstated during the Restoration.
3] In the United States, the 19th century saw the revival of Christmas traditions, influenced by German immigrants and the publication of Clement Clarke Moore's "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (1823).
4] Modern Christmas customs, including Santa Claus, became more standardized in the 20th century through  literature, movies , advertising and popular culture.

[For a comprehensive study, consult "The Battle for Christmas" by Stephen Nissenbaum and "Christmas in Ritual and Tradition" by Clement A. Miles.]

Dear Christians, kindly don't feel hurt and start seeking the truth. Once people believed that 'Earth is flat' but that was not true. I guess the following clues will open your eyes:

1] Jesus was born in 4 BC and disappeared in 33 CE . The Bible mentions his birth and his so called death . Why is the so called book of God , the #Bible silent on childhood , teenage and early youth of Jesus ? Did Jesus really exist ?

2] According to "The Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion", in mid-2005  approximately 11.7 million white people left  Christianity.

3] How many sons does the  God of the Bible has ?

#Divid is God's Son . [Psalms 2:07]

#Israel is God's Son . [ Exodus 4:22]

#Solomon is God's son . [ 2 Samuel 7:14 ]

#Jesus is God's son .

4] What silly Christians believe:
''Once God came in the world & people caught Him, thrashed Him & put Him on a wooden cross. He wept saying 'Eloi Eloi Lamasabaktani' ''

*Silly Christians no longer worry about the #errors in the Bible. All they do is to sing hymns, drink wine and abuse non-christians.

*Jesus was never called 'Jesus' in his lifetime. #Yeshua was his name. 'Jesus' was invented later by jokers.  Those who say 'Jesus' 'Jesus'  are like the person who calls me 'Tom' 'Tom' knowing my name is not Tom. πŸ˜‚

*If Jesus is God, why did he have to hang Himself to forgive people? He could forgive us without any drama like a true gentleman.

*If Jesus is God and love , what did he create then hellfire for? Will Jesus burn anyone in Hell? If yes, Is he truly love then ?

*''Name the people who believe that God killed Himself on the cross to save His people from His Hellfire? ''

*Jesus : ''I am my son but I am my father too. Actually, we are two but basically we are one. I killed myself on the cross to save my followers from my Hellfire. I am love  and love does not burn people. But, I made hellfire, I don't know why?'' πŸ˜‚

Nonsense means modern #Christianity. Please, seek the truth. Your priests and clergy are befooling you for their vested interests.

Courtesy: Sahil Sharifdin Bhat 


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