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Showing posts from July, 2024

Political Philosophy of Sahil Sharifdin Bhat.

  Political Philosophy of Sahil Sharifdin Bhat. This world could become a paradise if the following Six laws were internationally implemented: 1. Make basic necessities free: Provide food, shelter, education, medicine, electricity and travel at no cost using taxes collected from millionaires and billionaires. 2. Worship the creator, not the creation: Adhere to the Islamic concept of God as explained by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 3. Implement a multi-president system: Allow each nation to have a bench of five to ten presidents [ or PM's]  instead of a single president. Decisions should require the majority of these presidents to be passed. 4. Honour contributions to humanity: Award Nobel Prizes and similar honours to individuals who bring people closer together or enhance human comfort on this planet. 5. Enforce strict punishments for serious crimes: Impose the death penalty for robbery, rape, murder and fraud, regardless of the perpetrator’s status, whether he is a...

Famous wars and battles fought by Muslims [ 624 CE to 2020 CE]

Famous wars and battles fought by Muslims [ 624 CE to 2020 CE]  ©️ Image credit; rightful owner  Famous wars and battles fought by Muslims [ 624 CE to 2020 CE]  Battles of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]: 1. Battle of Badr (624 CE): Decisive victory for Muslims against the Quraysh. 2. Battle of Uhud (625 CE): Muslims faced a setback against the Quraysh. 3. Battle of the Trench (627 CE): Successful defense of Medina against the Quraysh and allied tribes. 4. Battle of Khayber (628 CE): Victory over the Jewish tribes of Khayber. 5. Conquest of Makkah (630 CE): Peaceful conquest of Makkah and its return to Islamic control. 6. Battle of Hunayn (630 CE): Victory for Muslims against the Hawazin tribe. Battles of Hazret Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: 7. Ridda Battles (632–633 CE): Successful campaigns to reunite the Arabian Peninsula and suppress tribes that had rebelled after Muhammad's death. 8. Battle of Yamama (632 CE) : Musaylimah ibn Kazzab, a self-proclaimed prophet, was killed, ending...

All About The Battle Of KARBALA (680 CE) In Just Fifteen Thousand Words

  All About The Battle Of KARBALA (680 CE) In Just Fifteen Thousand Words  The First Division Among Muslims When our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was on his deathbed, the Muslims of that time divided into three groups: 1. Banu Hashim: They wanted Hazrat Ali to be the caliph. 2. Ansar: They wanted Hazrat Sa'd bin Ubadah to be their caliph. 3. Muhajirun: They wanted Hazrat Abu Bakr to be the caliph. This difference of opinion became the root cause of many battles, including Jamal, Siffin, Nahrawan, and Karbala. It also led to the emergence of sects and sub-sects among Muslims. The life of Hazret Ali ibn Abi Talib: The Lion of God Hazret Ali ibn Abi Talib, revered as the "Lion of God," was born in 600 CE in Mecca, into the noble Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe. From the age of five, he was raised by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Hazret   Ali embraced Islam at the tender age of eleven, becoming one of the first converts to the new rel...