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Conjugation of over 500 English verbs by sahil Sharifdin Bhat


Conjugation of verb


Things to be learnt:

Definition of conjugation?

Types of Conjugation

Conjugation of more English verbs


What does conjugation mean?
Conjugating a verb means to give a verb its four forms ; eg
Go went gone going
Love loved loved loving

Conjugation of strong / Irregular verbsTheir second and third forms are made by changing vowels or by bringing entirely new words.

Be (is, am, are) , was/were,  been
Arise arose arisen
Bear bore born /borne
Begin began begun
Breed bred bred
Bring brought brought
Come came come
Do did done
Draw drew drawn
Find found found
Fly flew flown
Forgive forgave forgiven
Forget forgot forgotten
Give gave given
Know knew known

Beat beat beaten

Become became become

Bite bit bitten

Blow blew blown

Break broke broken

Choose chose chosen

Dig dug dug

Drink drank drunk

Eat ate eaten

Fall fell fallen

Feed fed fed

Fight fought fought

Find found found

Go went gone

Get got got

Grow grew grown

Hide hid hidden

Know knew known

Lead led led

Ring rang rung

Ride rode ridden

Seek sought sought

Shake shook shaken

Sit sat sat

Shrink shrank shrank

Sing sang sung

Sink sank sunk

Speak spoke spoken

Stand stood stood

Steal stole stolen

Stick stuck stuck

Stink stank stunk

Swim swam swum

Swing swung swung

Take took taken

Teach taught taught

Tear tore torn

Tell told told

Think thought thought

Throw threw thrown

Understand understood understood

Wake woke woken

Wear wore worn

Win won won

Write wrote written

Abide abode abode

Befall befell            befallen

Behold beheld beheld

Beseech besought besought

Bind   bound bound

Forbid forbade forbidden

Forlese forlore forlorn







Conjugation of weak/ regular verbs : Their second and third forms are made by suffixing d/ed/t.

Bleed bled bled
Bless blessed blessed
Build  built built
care cared cared
clothe  clothed clothed
Die died died
Dream dreamt dreamt
Feel felt felt
Hear heard heard
Work worked worked
Play played played
Hate hated hated
Keep kept kept
Struggle struggled struggled
Learn learnt learnt
Light lighted lighted
Sell sold sold
lean leaned leaned

Say said said

Pay paid paid
leave left left
lend lent lent

Lose lost lost

Light lit lit

Make made made

Send sent sent

Show showed showed

Sleep slept slept

Spend spent spent

Swell swelled swelled

Sweep swept swept

Abash abashed  abashed

Abate abated abated

Absorb absorbed absorbed

Accept accepted accepted

Accompany       accompanied accompanied

Ache  ached  ached

Achieve achieved            achieved

Acquire acquired acquired

Add    added  added

Afford  afforded afforded

Apologize apologized apologized

Argue  argued argued

Assort assorted assorted

Bash   bashed bashed

Beautify beautified beautified

Bereave bereft bereft

Betray betrayed betrayed

Blossom blossomed blossomed

Blush  blushed blushed

Calculate calculated calculated

Capture captured captured

Caress caressed caressed

Attack attacked attacked

Bang banged banged

Bat batted batted

Believe believed believed

Boil boiled boiled

Charge charged charged

Chat chatted chatted

Chew chewed chewed

Cheer cheered cheered

Choke choked choked

Classify classified classified

Click clicked clicked

Climb climbed climbed

Comment commented commented

Confuse confused confused

Confiscate confiscated confiscated

Conquer conquered conquered

Consist consisted consisted

Contest contested contested

Cook cooked cooked

Dare dared dared

Decide decided decided

Delay delayed delayed

Determine determined determined

Dine dined dined

Display displayed displayed

Download downloaded downloaded

Educate educated educated

Encourage encouraged encouraged

Enjoy enjoyed enjoyed

Envy envied envied

Exist existed existed

Express expressed expressed

Eye eyed eyed

Faint fainted fainted

Fan fanned fanned

Fetch fetched fetched

Flap flapped flapped

Gag gagged gagged

Glow glowed glowed

Google googled googled

Handle handled handled

Hatch hatched hatched

Hug hugged hugged

Hum hummed hummed

Humiliate humiliated humiliated

Hush hushed hushed

Ill-treat ill-treated ill-treated

Illuminate illuminated illuminated

Imbibe imbibed imbibed

Immolate immolated immolated

impel impelled impelled

Imply implied implied

Import imported imported

Imprison imprisoned imprisoned

Inaugurate inaugurated inaugurated

Incise incised incised

Indulge indulged indulged

Inflate inflated inflated

Inflect inflected inflected

Inhabit inhabited inhabited

Insert inserted inserted

Inscribe inscribed inscribed

Install installed installed

Join joined joined

Kick kicked kicked

Knock knocked knocked

Last lasted lasted

Leer leered leered




Conjugation of identical verbs: They are called identical verbs because their all forms are identical.
Cut cut cut
Hit hit hit
Let let let
Put put put
Cast cast cast
Shed shed shed
Shut shut shut
Set set set

Spread spread spread

Input input input

Read read read

Broadcast broadcast broadcast

Bust bust bust





Conjugation of more English  verbs



1           abash              abashed              abashed              abashing


2           abate              abated              abated              abating


3           abide              abode              abode              abiding


4           absorb              absorbed              absorbed              absorbing


5           accept              accepted              accepted              accepting


6           accompany             accompanied             accompanied            accompanying


7           ache              ached              ached              aching


8           achieve              achieved              achieved              achieving


9           acquire              acquired              acquired              acquiring


10         act        acted              acted              acting


11         add              added              added              adding


12         address              addressed              addressed              addressing


13         adjust              adjusted              adjusted              adjusting


14         admire              admired              admired              admiring


15         admit              admitted              admitted              admitting


16         advise              advised              advised              advising


17         afford              afforded              afforded              affording


18         agree              agreed              agreed              agreeing


19         alight   alit /alighted          alit /alighted              alighting


20         allow              allowed              allowed              allowing


21         animate              animated              animated              animating


22         announce              announced              announced              announcing


23         answer              answered              answered              answering


24         apologize              apologized              apologized              apologizing


25         appear              appeared              appeared              appearing


26         applaud              applauded              applauded              applauding


27         apply              applied              applied              applying


28         approach              approached              approached              approaching


29         approve              approved              approved              approving


30         argue              argued              argued              arguing


31         arise     arose              arisen              arising


32         arrange              arranged              arranged              arranging




33         arrest              arrested              arrested              arresting


34         ask              asked              asked              asking


35         assert              asserted              asserted              asserting


36         assort              assorted              assorted              assorting


37         astonish              astonished              astonished              astonishing


38         attack              attacked              attacked              attacking


39         attend              attended              attended              attending


40         attract              attracted              attracted              attracting


41         audit              audited              audited              auditing


42         avoid              avoided              avoided              avoiding


43         awake              awoke              awoken              awaking


44         bang              banged              banged              banging


45         banish              banished              banished              banishing


46         bash              bashed              bashed              bashing


47         bat              batted              batted              batting


48         be (am,are)              was / were              been    being


49         bear     bore              born              bearing


50         bear     bore              borne              bearing


51         beat     beat              beaten              beating


52         beautify              beautified              beautified              beautifying


53         become              became              become              becoming


54         befall   befell              befallen              befalling


55         beg              begged              begged              begging


56         begin              began              begun              beginning


57         behave              behaved              behaved              behaving


58         behold              beheld              beheld              beholding


59         believe              believed              believed              believing


60         belong              belonged              belonged              belonging


61         bend    bent              bent              bending


62         bereave              bereft              bereft              bereaving


63         beseech              besought              besought              beseeching


64         bet       bet              bet              betting


65         betray              betrayed              betrayed              betraying


66         bid       bade              bidden              bidding


67         bid       bid              bid              bidding


68         bind              bound              bound              binding


69         bite      bit              bitten              biting


70         bleed   bled              bled              bleeding




71         bless              blessed              blessed              blessing


72         blossom              blossomed              blossomed              blossoming


73         blow    blew              blown              blowing


74         blur              blurred              blurred              blurring


75         blush              blushed              blushed              blushing


76         board              boarded              boarded              boarding


77         boast              boasted              boasted              boasting


78         boil              boiled              boiled              boiling


79         bow              bowed              bowed              bowing


80         box              boxed              boxed              boxing


81         bray              brayed              brayed              braying


82         break              broke              broken              breaking


83         breathe              breathed              breathed              breathing


84         breed   bred              bred              breeding


85         bring              brought              brought              bringing


86         broadcast              broadcast              broadcast              broadcasting


87         brush              brushed              brushed              brushing


88         build    built              built              building


89         burn     burnt              burnt              burning


90         burst    burst              burst              bursting


91         bury              buried              buried              burying


92         bust     bust              bust              busting


93         buy              bought              bought              buying


94         buzz              buzzed              buzzed              buzzing


95         calculate              calculated              calculated              calculating


96         call              called              called              calling


97         canvass              canvassed              canvassed              canvassing


98         capture              captured              captured              capturing


99         caress              caressed              caressed              caressing


100      carry              carried              carried              carrying


101      carve              carved              carved              carving


102      cash              cashed              cashed              cashing


103      cast      cast              cast              casting


104      catch              caught              caught              catching


105      cause              caused              caused              causing


106      cease              ceased              ceased              ceasing


107      celebrate              celebrated              celebrated              celebrating


108      challenge              challenged              challenged              challenging




109      change              changed              changed              changing


110      charge              charged              charged              charging


111      chase              chased              chased              chasing


112      chat              chatted              chatted              chatting


113      check              checked              checked              checking


114      cheer              cheered              cheered              cheering


115      chew              chewed              chewed              chewing


116      chide   chid              chid/chidden              chiding


117      chip              chipped              chipped              chipping


118      choke              choked              choked              choking


119      choose              chose              chosen              choosing


120      classify              classified              classified              classifying


121      clean              cleaned              cleaned              cleaning


122      cleave              clove/cleft              cloven/cleft              cleaving


123      click              clicked              clicked              clicking


124      climb              climbed              climbed              climbing


125      cling     clung              clung              clinging


126      close              closed              closed              closing


127      clothe clad /clothed           clad /clothed              clothing


128      clutch              clutched              clutched              clutching


129      collapse              collapsed              collapsed              collapsing


130      collect              collected              collected              collecting


131      colour              coloured              coloured              colouring


132      come   came              come              coming


133      comment              commented              commented              commenting


134      compare              compared              compared              comparing


135      compel              compelled              compelled              compelling


136      compete              competed              competed              competing


137      complain              complained              complained              complaining


138      complete              completed              completed              completing


139      conclude              concluded              concluded              concluding


140      conduct              conducted              conducted              conducting


141      confess              confessed              confessed              confessing


142      confine              confined              confined              confining


143      confiscate              confiscated              confiscated              confiscating


144      confuse              confused              confused              confusing


145      congratulate            congratulated            congratulated            congratulating


146      connect              connected              connected              connecting




147      connote              connoted              connoted              connoting


148      conquer              conquered              conquered              conquering


149      consecrate              consecrated              consecrated              consecrating


150      consent              consented              consented              consenting


151      conserve              conserved              conserved              conserving


152      consider              considered              considered              considering


153      consign              consigned              consigned              consigning


154      consist              consisted              consisted              consisting


155      console              consoled              consoled              consoling


156      consort              consorted              consorted              consorting


157      conspire              conspired              conspired              conspiring


158      constitute              constituted              constituted              constituting


159      constrain              constrained              constrained              constraining


160      construct              constructed              constructed              constructing


161      construe              construed              construed              construing


162      consult              consulted              consulted              consulting


163      contain              contained              contained              containing


164      contemn              contemned              contemned              contemning


165      contend              contended              contended              contending


166      contest              contested              contested              contesting


167      continue              continued              continued              continuing


168      contract              contracted              contracted              contracting


169      contradict              contradicted              contradicted              contradicting


170      contrast              contrasted              contrasted              contrasting


171      contribute              contributed              contributed              contributing


172      contrive              contrived              contrived              contriving


173      control              controlled              controlled              controlling


174      convene              convened              convened              convening


175      converge              converged              converged              converging


176      converse              conversed              conversed              conversing


177      convert              converted              converted              converting


178      convey              conveyed              conveyed              conveying


179      convict              convicted              convicted              convicting


180      convince              convinced              convinced              convincing


181      coo              cooed              cooed              cooing


182      cook              cooked              cooked              cooking


183      cool              cooled              cooled              cooling


184      co-operate              co-operated              co-operated              co-operating




185      cope              coped cope              coping


186      copy              copied              copied              copying


187      correct              corrected              corrected              correcting


188      correspond             corresponded             corresponded            corresponding


189      corrode              corroded              corroded              corroding


190      corrupt              corrupted              corrupted              corrupting


191      cost      cost              cost              costing


192      cough              coughed              coughed              coughing


193      counsel              counselled              counselled              counselling


194      count              counted              counted              counting


195      course              coursed              coursed              coursing


196      cover              covered              covered              covering


197      cower              cowered              cowered              cowering


198      crack              cracked              cracked              cracking


199      crackle              crackled              crackled              crackling


200      crash              crashed              crashed              crashing


201      crave              craved              craved              craving


202      create              created              created              creating


203      creep   crept              crept              creeping


204      crib              cribbed              cribbed              cribbing


205      cross              crossed              crossed              crossing


206      crowd              crowded              crowded              crowding


207      crush              crushed              crushed              crushing


208      cry        cried              cried              crying


209      curb              curbed              curbed              curbing


210      cure              cured              cured              curing


211      curve              curved              curved              curving


212      cut       cut              cut              cutting


213      cycle              cycled              cycled              cycling


214      damage              damaged              damaged              damaging


215      damp              damped              damped              damping


216      dance              danced              danced              dancing


217      dare              dared              dared              daring


218      dash              dashed              dashed              dashing


219      dazzle              dazzled              dazzled              dazzling


220      deal      dealt              dealt              dealing


221      decay              decayed              decayed              decaying


222      decide              decided              decided              deciding




223      declare              declared              declared              declaring


224      decorate              decorated              decorated              decorating


225      decrease              decreased              decreased              decreasing


226      dedicate              dedicated              dedicated              dedicating


227      delay              delayed              delayed              delaying


228      delete              deleted              deleted              deleting


229      deny              denied              denied              denying


230      depend              depended              depended              depending


231      deprive              deprived              deprived              depriving


232      derive              derived              derived              deriving


233      describe              described              described              describing


234      desire              desired              desired              desiring


235      destroy              destroyed              destroyed              destroying


236      detach              detached              detached              detaching


237      detect              detected              detected              detecting


238      determine              determined              determined              determining


239      develop              developed              developed              developing


240      die        died              died     dying


241      differ              differed              differed              differing


242      dig        dug              dug              digging


243      digest              digested              digested              digesting


244      dim              dimmed              dimmed              dimming


245      diminish              diminished              diminished              diminishing


246      dine              dined              dined              dining


247      dip              dipped              dipped              dipping


248      direct              directed              directed              directing


249      disappear              disappeared              disappeared              disappearing


250      discover              discovered              discovered              discovering


251      discuss              discussed              discussed              discussing


252      disobey              disobeyed              disobeyed              disobeying


253      display              displayed              displayed              displaying


254      dispose              disposed              disposed              disposing


255      distribute              distributed              distributed              distributing


256      disturb              disturbed              disturbed              disturbing


257      disuse              disused              disused              disusing


258      dive      dived               dived              diving


259      divide              divided              divided              dividing


260      do        did              done    doing




261      donate              donated              donated              donating


262      download              downloaded              downloaded              downloading


263      drag              dragged              dragged              dragging


264      draw    drew              drawn              drawing


265      dream              dreamt              dreamt              dreaming


266      dress              dressed              dressed              dressing


267      drill              drilled              drilled              drilling


268      drink              drank              drunk              drinking


269      drive              drove              driven              driving


270      drop              dropped              dropped              dropping


271      dry       dried              dried              drying


272      dump              dumped              dumped              dumping


273      dwell              dwelt              dwelt              dwelling


274      dye       dyed              dyed              dyeing


275      earn              earned              earned              earning


276      eat       ate              eaten              eating


277      educate              educated              educated              educating


278      empower              empowered              empowered              empowering


279      empty              emptied              emptied              emptying


280      encircle              encircled              encircled              encircling


281      encourage              encouraged              encouraged              encouraging


282      encroach              encroached              encroached              encroaching


283      endanger              endangered              endangered              endangering


284      endorse              endorsed              endorsed              endorsing


285      endure              endured              endured              enduring


286      engrave              engraved              engraved              engraving


287      enjoy              enjoyed              enjoyed              enjoying


288      enlarge              enlarged              enlarged              enlarging


289      enlighten              enlightened              enlightened              enlightening


290      enter              entered              entered              entering


291      envy              envied              envied              envying


292      erase              erased              erased              erasing


293      escape              escaped              escaped              escaping


294      evaporate              evaporated              evaporated              evaporating


295      exchange              exchanged              exchanged              exchanging


296      exclaim              exclaimed              exclaimed              exclaiming


297      exclude              excluded              excluded              excluding


298      exist              existed              existed              existing




299      expand              expanded              expanded              expanding


300      expect              expected              expected              expecting


301      explain              explained              explained              explaining


302      explore              explored              explored              exploring


303      express              expressed              expressed              expressing


304      extend              extended              extended              extending


305      eye       eyed              eyed              eyeing


306      face      faced              faced              facing


307      fail        failed              failed              failing


308      faint              fainted              fainted              fainting


309      fall        fell              fallen              falling


310      fan              fanned              fanned              fanning


311      fancy              fancied              fancied              fancying


312      favour              favoured              favoured              favouring


313      fax        faxed              faxed              faxing


314      feed     fed              fed              feeding


315      feel      felt              felt              feeling


316      ferry              ferried              ferried              ferrying


317      fetch              fetched              fetched              fetching


318      fight              fought              fought              fighting


319      fill         filled              filled    filling


320      find              found              found              finding


321      finish              finished              finished              finishing


322      fish              fished              fished              fishing


323      fit              fit/fitted              fit/fitted              fitting


324      fix         fixed              fixed    fixing


325      fizz              fizzed              fizzed              fizzing


326      flap              flapped              flapped              flapping


327      flash              flashed              flashed              flashing


328      flee      fled              fled              fleeing


329      fling     flung              flung              flinging


330      float              floated              floated              floating


331      flop              flopped              flopped              flopping


332      fly         flew              flown   flying


333      fold              folded              folded              folding


334      follow              followed              followed              following


335      forbid              forbade              forbidden              forbidding


336      force              forced              forced              forcing




337      forecast              forecast              forecast              forecasting


338      foretell              foretold              foretold              foretelling


339      forget              forgot              forgotten              forgetting


340      forgive              forgave              forgiven              forgiving


341      forlese              forlore              forlorn              forlesing


342      form              formed              formed              forming


343      forsake              forsook              forsaken              forsaking


344      found              founded              founded              founding


345      frame              framed              framed              framing


346      free      freed              freed              freeing


347      freeze froze              frozen              freezing


348      frighten              frightened              frightened              frightening


349      fry        fried              fried              frying


350      fulfil              fulfilled              fulfilled              fulfilling


351      gag              gagged              gagged              gagging


352      gain              gained              gained              gaining


353      gainsay              gainsaid              gainsaid              gainsaying


354      gash              gashed              gashed              gashing


355      gaze              gazed              gazed              gazing


356      get       got              got              getting


357      give      gave              given              giving


358      glance              glanced              glanced              glancing


359      glitter              glittered              glittered              glittering


360      glow              glowed              glowed              glowing


361      go         went              gone    going


362      google              googled              googled              googling


363      govern              governed              governed              governing


364      grab              grabbed              grabbed              grabbing


365      grade              graded              graded              grading


366      grant              granted              granted              granting


367      greet              greeted              greeted              greeting


368      grind              ground              ground              grinding


369      grip              gripped              gripped              gripping


370      grow    grew              grown              growing


371      guard              guarded              guarded              guarding


372      guess              guessed              guessed              guessing


373      guide              guided              guided              guiding


374      handle              handled              handled              handling




375      hang    hung /hanged                        hung /hanged             hanging


376      happen              happened                           happened              happening


377      harm              harmed                           harmed              harming


378      hatch              hatched                           hatched              hatching


379      hate              hated                hated              hating


380      have     had                           had              having


381      heal              healed              healed              healing


382      hear              heard                heard              hearing


383      heave hove                           hove              heaving


384      help              helped                           helped              helping


385      hew              hewed              hewn              hewing


386      hide     hid                           hidden              hiding


387      hinder              hindered                           hindered              hindering


388      hiss              hissed              hissed              hissing


389      hit        hit                           hit              hitting


390      hoax              hoaxed                           hoaxed              hoaxing


391      hold     held                           held              holding


392      hop              hopped                           hopped              hopping


393      hope              hoped              hoped              hoping


394      horrify              horrified                           horrified              horrifying


395      hug              hugged                           hugged              hugging


396      hum              hummed                           hummed              humming


397      humiliate              humiliated                           humiliated              humiliating


398      hunt              hunted                           hunted              hunting


399      hurl              hurled              hurled              hurling


400      hurry              hurried                           hurried              hurrying


401      hurt     hurt                           hurt              hurting


402      hush              hushed                           hushed              hushing


403      hustle              hustled                           hustled              hustling


404      hypnotize              hypnotized                           hypnotized              hypnotizing


405      idealize              idealized                           idealized              idealizing


406      identify              identified                           identified              identifying


407      idolize              idolized                           idolized              idolizing


408      ignite              ignited                           ignited              igniting


409      ignore              ignored              ignored              ignoring


410      ill-treat              ill-treated              ill-treated              ill-treating


411      illuminate              illuminated              illuminated              illuminating


412      illumine              illumined              illumined              illumining




413      illustrate              illustrated              illustrated              illustrating


414      imagine              imagined              imagined              imagining


415      imbibe              imbibed              imbibed              imbibing


416      imitate              imitated              imitated              imitating


417      immerse              immersed              immersed              immersing


418      immolate              immolated              immolated              immolating


419      immure              immured              immured              immuring


420      impair              impaired              impaired              impairing


421      impart              imparted              imparted              imparting


422      impeach              impeached              impeached              impeaching


423      impede              impeded              impeded              impeding


424      impel              impelled              impelled              impelling


425      impend              impended              impended              impending


426      imperil              imperilled              imperilled              imperilling


427      impinge              impinged              impinged              impinging


428      implant              implanted              implanted              implanting


429      implicate              implicated              implicated              implicating


430      implode              imploded              imploded              imploding


431      implore              implored              implored              imploring


432      imply              implied              implied              implying


433      import              imported              imported              importing


434      impose              imposed              imposed              imposing


435      impress              impressed              impressed              impressing


436      imprint              imprinted              imprinted              imprinting


437      imprison              imprisoned              imprisoned              imprisoning


438      improve              improved              improved              improving


439      inaugurate              inaugurated              inaugurated              inaugurating


440      incise              incised              incised              incising


441      include              included              included              including


442      increase              increased              increased              increasing


443      inculcate              inculcated              inculcated              inculcating


444      indent              indented              indented              indenting


445      indicate              indicated              indicated              indicating


446      induce              induced              induced              inducing


447      indulge              indulged              indulged              indulging


448      infect              infected              infected              infecting


449      infest              infested              infested              infesting


450      inflame              inflamed              inflamed              inflaming




451      inflate              inflated              inflated              inflating


452      inflect              inflected              inflected              inflecting


453      inform              informed              informed              informing


454      infringe              infringed              infringed              infringing


455      infuse              infused              infused              infusing


456      ingest              ingested              ingested              ingesting


457      inhabit              inhabited              inhabited              inhabiting


458      inhale              inhaled              inhaled              inhaling


459      inherit              inherited              inherited              inheriting


460      initiate              initiated              initiated              initiating


461      inject              injected              injected              injecting


462      injure              injured              injured              injuring


463      inlay     inlaid              inlaid              inlaying


464      innovate              innovated              innovated              innovating


465      input    input              input              inputting


466      inquire              inquired              inquired              inquiring


467      inscribe              inscribed              inscribed              inscribing


468      insert              inserted              inserted              inserting


469      inspect              inspected              inspected              inspecting


470      inspire              inspired              inspired              inspiring


471      install              installed              installed              installing


472      insult              insulted              insulted              insulting


473      insure              insured              insured              insuring


474      integrate              integrated              integrated              integrating


475      introduce              introduced              introduced              introducing


476      invent              invented              invented              inventing


477      invite              invited              invited              inviting


478      join              joined              joined              joining


479      jump              jumped              jumped              jumping


480      justify              justified              justified              justifying


481      keep    kept              kept              keeping


482      kick              kicked              kicked              kicking


483      kid              kidded              kidded              kidding


484      kill        killed              killed              killing


485      kiss              kissed              kissed              kissing


486      kneel   knelt              knelt              kneeling


487      knit      knit              knit              knitting


488      knock              knocked              knocked              knocking




489      know   knew              known              knowing


490      lade      laded              laden              lading


491      land              landed              landed              landing


492      last              lasted              lasted              lasting


493      latch              latched              latched              latching


494      laugh              laughed              laughed              laughing


495      lay        laid              laid              laying


496      lead      led              led              leading


497      leak              leaked              leaked              leaking


498      lean      leant /leaned            leant /leaned              leaning


499      leap      leapt              leapt              leaping


500      learn              learnt /learned              learnt /learned              learning



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