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A Quick Intro About Sahil Sharifdin Bhat


A Quick Intro About Sahil Sharifdin Bhat

I am Sahil Sharifdin Bhat and I’m going to tell you a few things about myself so that it becomes easier enough for you to either hate me intensely or love and respect me sincerely. I belong to a simple family of farmers, but I don’t enjoy farming. I’m crazy about reading and writing. I open my eyes about an hour before the Fajr prayer, but I always end up actually waking just five or three minutes before Fajr. This means I’m an ordinary human being, not very virtuous. After Fajr, I read the Holy Quran or go for a morning walk, but not regularly. Next, I have breakfast and read something pleasant and then I go to the gym for about an hour. I believe fitness is essential once you’re over thirty. Afterward, I go to earn my livelihood and return home around 4 PM, sometimes later. I have salt tea and then read something serious until Maghrib or take a nap until Maghrib or sometimes do something that needs to be done at home. From Maghrib to Isha, I teach a few neighbours free of charge; in this way, I try to give back to society what I have received from it. Then I offer the Isha prayer, have dinner, and "die" until morning. 🤣

I run a blog and a few social media groups and pages under different names, where I share my knowledge of the English language, religion and philosophy with others. I write articles or poems on weekends and books during long vacations. I also share some lively posts to entertain my open-minded friends—after all, I don’t like boredom or excessive seriousness, neither in myself nor others. I also chat with a small group of people but not regularly. I greet those I like whenever I see them and I sometimes talk nonsense and sometimes very philosophically with the people I trust and love most. I do a few other things which I think should not be disclosed here. To sum up, I want to live a happy life and spread positive vibes. I want to accomplish something wonderful before I die and join my fellow beings in the hereafter forever. 

I hate lying, smoking, drinking, wasting time and hanging out with small-minded people. I have an old mind but a young heart. It’s impossible for a small mind to like me for long but it’s impossible for a good thinker to ignore me for long. I believe this world is like a dangerous forest and everyone must be like Bear Grylls. I am not a banana that you can peel and eat in two seconds. I am a pomegranate and you’ll need to eat me aril by aril. 

I believe that money is like water—we should have enough of it in our homes, but that doesn’t mean we should build our homes in the water. Like most things, too much money is harmful. However, my slogan is: seek health, knowledge, God and halal wealth and the rest of the things will seek you.  

  To be continued...



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