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*Giving Charity To Birds and Animals*


*Giving Charity To Birds and Animals*

Our sins make our God angry but our charity calms down His anger .

Charity is not only to give money to the poor on Eids and in the month of Ramadan . There are  numerous forms of charity . Meeting the people with a smiling face is a charity. Wiping tears from the face of a broken fellow is a charity. Helping the poor students with studies is a charity. Planting trees to save the environment is a charity. Feeding the birds and animals in desperate times is a charity . Spreading a message of benefit on the social media is a charity . Helping a poor person by subscribing his  YouTube channel or Tiktok account is a charity , provided that  he/she does not spread violence, indecency or anything that is anti-humanity . With the passage of time , we must update ourselves and help the  people of our faith and ideology prosper and thrive in every possible way . There is no doubt that what goes around comes around. If we treat people with love and respect, we too will be treated accordingly . The holy prophet Muhammad ο·Ί is reported to have said , '' Have mercy upon those on the earth and the one who is in Heavens will have mercy upon you .''  One of the forms of charity is to feed birds during rain and snow when they are unable to find food for themselves. To sum up , everything that saves lives or causes happiness to others  or comforts living things is definitely a good deed and we must try our best to do more and more good deeds in order to turn this burning earth into a healing centre.  Remember, nothing that you do is wasted by God , no matter how big or small that may be .

It is true that we should not advertise our good deeds but it is also true that we live in an age in which nothing sells without advertising . They advertise the things which make them earthly rich and we should advertise the things which will make us spiritually rich . There should be less ads to motivate people to use Colgate or pepsodant and more ads to attract them to do the things which will please their creator and which bring peace in their lives .    The satan is advertising sins . We must advertise virtues . We must  not promote the culture of showing off . However,  We must accept the challenge of competition . After all , God has the knowledge of all hearts and He easily differentiates the  show offs from the  sincere people.

The following Hadiths will help us to understand better how much rewarding feeding and watering the birds and animals is :

The Prophet (ο·Ί) said, "If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity."

"A prostitute saw a dog turning around a well on a hot day; it was panting due to thirst. She took off her shoe, filled it with water and gave the water to the dog. The woman was forgiven due to this deed."

"A woman went to Hell due to imprisoning a cat in the house. She did not give it any food and did not let it go out and eat the insects on earth."


To conclude, The last formula of happiness on the planet earth is to earn money and share a part of it with the poor and with needy birds and animals.   


By sahil Sharifdin Bhat


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