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My love has returned after fifty years .


My love has returned after fifty years .

Five decades have rolled by
Since we were teenagers ;
Since we were true lovers ;
Since she left me to cry and die . 
My village was a virgin's face
And she the dimple of that face .
She was dearer to me than all :
Farms , orchards , alleys , waterfall...
Of all delicacies at her home ,
She would put my share aside .
Then she would call me outside,
By throwing a pebble at my window.
(I had taken a street facing room ,
For our romantic communication.
Its windows were like church bells ,
Which she used to ring with pebbles. )
Seeing me exiting from the main gate ,
She would come near me smiling ,
Handing me my share of delicacy
Then flying away like gentle fairy .
Whenever she had to go anywhere:
The market , the hillside or the riverside.
She would directly come to my room
To persuade me with her sweet words
To accompany her here and there .
''Why could she not go all alone ? ''
I asked her once and she replied ,
'' I fear going all alone , my dear .
When you are with me , I don't fear . ''
Wow ! Those were my happiest days !
Oh ! Those days I  miss badly  always !
She was pretty , lovely and young :
With rosy lips ,  a  button nose ,
Two long braided locks hanging over ears ,
Big bright brown eyes , thick eyelashes,
With swinging light golden earrings,
And two growing  blossoms below her chin .
Ah! I would gaze her on and on ! 
Alas ! Sorrow invaded my village of joys ,
Burnt my smiles and killed my peace .
My lovely village was left smoking
And my love was never to be seen .
I wiped tears and began to relive :
Married , had kids and grew old .

But , I received a  message lately,
Which made me both happy and sad  ,
My lips smiled , my eyes shed tears ,
My love has returned after fifty years .
She wants to meet me somewhere
And feed me my share of delicacies.
She has a husband, kids and grandkids
But, she has been living fearfully .
She has been missing me  badly .
She wants to meet me soon. 
My heart is running like a mad horse .
I am restless to meet my  love too .
I will ask her where had she gone ?
I will ask her how had she lived on ?
Why had she not told me about going?
Where did she live ? Whom she married ?
Why did she break my mirror of dreams ?
Why did she leave me half-slain ?
I will ask her about all her joys .
I will also tell her about my pain .

Wait , wait , why should I go there now ?
She is some oldy , not my love .
Let that young face be in my eyes .
Let me not create  now fresh ties .
My old sorrows are dearer to me
Than the new joys of two or three days .
As the fish lives happily in water ,
So I live in  pain and sorrows always .
If I go to meet that Joy , I swear ,
I will definitely die then and there .
Calm down my heart , do not roar
And let me live a few days more .

 [Poet : sahil Sharifdin Bhat ]


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