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Life Story of Mansur Al-Hallaj, the Notorious Sufi

 Life Story of Mansur Al-Hallaj, the Notorious Sufi 

Mansur Al-Hallaj, born in 858 CE in South Iran, was a prominent figure in Islamic mysticism, known as Sufism. At a young age, he displayed exceptional dedication by memorizing the holy Quran before the age of 12. Al-Hallaj was a Sunni Muslim and received teachings from various sources, but his most influential teacher was Junaid of Baghdad.

Al-Hallaj married the daughter of another Sufi, Yaqub bin Aqta, and the couple had three sons. However, his first mistake was openly teaching, preaching, and writing about Sufism. This led to him being disliked and even hated by other Sufis. Despite this opposition, Al-Hallaj managed to gather a considerable number of followers and made multiple pilgrimages to Mecca.

His teachings were not well-received by the civil and religious authorities of the time. He faced accusations of aiding a group of political rebels known as the Zang Rebels. Al-Hallaj was also associated with miraculous incidents, such as lighting 400 oil lamps in Jerusalem with his finger and extinguishing a centuries-old fire in a temple with a tug of his sleeve. Additionally, he was accused of constructing a model of the Kaaba in his home for private worship upon his return from his final Haj.

Furthermore, Al-Hallaj was accused of making controversial statements, including “Ana Al-Haq,” meaning “I am the Truth,” and “Ma fee jubbati Ila Allah,” meaning “nothing but God is under my cloak.” These claims caused further controversy and increased opposition towards him.

Al-Hallaj’s fate took a tragic turn when he was arrested and imprisoned for eleven years, from 911 CE to 922 CE. Finally, at the age of 64, he was sentenced to death by being doused in oil and burnt alive. His ashes were scattered into a river.

The opinions about Mansur Al-Hallaj vary among Islamic scholars. Ibn Kathir condemned him, while Moulana Rumi admired him. Al-Hallaj left behind notable works such as “Akhbar Al-Hallaj” and “Diwan-Al-Hallaj.”

In conclusion, the true nature of Mansur Al-Hallaj’s experiences and beliefs remains known only to Allah. It is important to approach the discussion of his life and teachings with respect and caution, refraining from abuse or disrespect towards his memory. 


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