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A sample of the book titled ''Languageguard , the mother of all grammar books '' by SAHIL SHARIFDIN Bhat


A sample of the book titled ''Languageguard , the mother of all grammar books '' by SAHIL SHARIFDIN Bhat

Chapter 37


What is a clause ? 


Before trying to understand a clause, it is necessary that we should understand first Letter , word , phrase , idiom and sentence.  

What is a letter ? 

A letter is a written or printed sign representing a sound used in speech . There are 26 letters used in English language and they given below: 

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

What is a word ? 

A word is a meaningful combination of letters . It is a single unit of Language which means something and can be spoken or written. There are about one million words in English language but about 1, 70,000 words are in use . Cat , bat , rat etc are the simple examples of Word . 

What is a phrase ? 

A phrase is a group of words giving incomplete sense unless put in a context or used in a sentence. There are over 50,000 phrases in English language. A phrase is a unit of grammar in English language ; eg 

'On Friday evening' is a phrase and its meaning is not clear . Let's put it in a context to make its meaning clear :

Sahil : I want you to visit my home to help me with studies .

Talib : when ?

Sahil : on Friday evening . 

There are readymade phases also in English language and some of them are given as under :

In the nick of time 

By no means 

Take care of 

Put off 

Put on

Put out 

Go through 

Carry on 

What is an idiom ?

An idiom is a phrase that is not understood literally. It is always taken figuratively. If we take them by their literal meaning, they sound ridiculous; eg 

Pull your socks up = work harder 

To hold one's tongue= Be quiet 

Apple of my eye = very dear person

What is a sentence? 

The various definitions of Sentence are given below : 

a] A group of words making a complete sense. (Conventional) 

b] A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends in a Full Stop. (Modern) 

c] A word or words making a complete sense. ( By sahil sharifdin Bhat)  

Examples : 

* I went on a long trip yesterday. 

* Never use foul language. 




*Don't eat . 

*Don't worry.

*I am your sorry .

*You are excused . 

Now , we reached the level where we can understand what a clause means . A clause is a group of words that may or may not give a complete sense . In case , it gives a complete sense , it is called Main Clause . If it does not give a clear meaning, it is called Dependent Clause . 

What are the different types of clause ?

There are mainly two types of clause : Main Clause and Dependent Clause . However , there are also the following fourteen types of clause : 

1] co-ordinate clause : It is just another name of Main Clause.

2] subordinate clause: It is just another name of dependent clause . 

3] Independent clause: It is another name of Main Clause. 

4] comment clause : It is just a pet phrase of some people, which they unnecessarily use or use to keep a rhythm of their speech while speaking to someone ; eg 

You know, I am a teacher. I teach on Sundays at home , you know. I have a great wife , you know . I have two beautiful kids , you know . 

[ You know , I mean , As you know , you understand, To tell you the truth etc are some examples of Comment clauses ] 

5] contact clause: It is a Relative clause without a relative pronoun . When the relative pronoun refers to the object of the main clause , the relative pronoun is dropped ; eg 

We want everything [that ] money can buy. 

We want everything money can buy . 

I will marry the girl whom none has had any affair with . 

I will marry the girl none has had any affair with. 

6] Relative clause : Any clause that starts with Relative pronouns ( who, whom , which, whose , that ) or Relative adverbs ( where , when , why , if , because , since etc ) is called Relative clause; eg 

They are going to the garden that is located in Srinagar. 

This is the shirt that Abiram was wearing on his wedding day . 

I love her because she surrenders her everything to me when I need it . 

7] Noun clause : Any clause that answers '' what ? '' is called Noun clause; eg 

We ask '' what ? '' 

We ask that we should be given our wages . 

She says '' what ? '' 

She says that she should be allowed to marry the boy of her choice . 

8] Adjective clause: Any clause that defines or describes a noun is called Adjective clause; eg 

This is the boy who was born on Eid . 

Look at those birds which are fighting on the roof . 

She is the principal who behaves like she is the prime minister of any country . 

[ Note: Boy , birds and principal are the nouns defined by the various Adjective clauses given above] 

9] Adverbial clause : An Adverbial clause starts with a Relative adverb ; eg 

We came here because we were invited . 

They felt hurt when their names were not mentioned by the boss in his gratitude speech . 

Home is where one can sleep peacefully. 

[Note; because, when and where are Relative adverbs in the sentences given above . You will learn more about Relative adverbs in the chapter titled ''Adverbs and its types'' . ] 

10] Defining clause : A clause that defines or describes its antecedent is called Defining clause. Defining clauses are used in complex sentences only ;eg  

This is the pen that costs ten dollars in the international market. 

He is the man that sends his wife and daughters to work outside with the strange men . 

11] Non-defining clause : Non-defining clauses provide extra information about the antecedents. They do not define their antecedents . They are always separated by commas . The main meaning of a sentence is not affected if its Non-defining clause is removed or ignore . Non-defining clauses are used in compound sentences only ; eg 

The sportspeople , who remain fit, live long lives . 

India , where most people kill one another in the name of religion and caste , tires to compete with the superpowers of the modern world . 

The pen , which nobody uses honestly , can break the mighty swords . 

12] Restrictive clause : It is just another name of Defining clause 

13] Non-restrictive clause : It is just another name of Non-defining clause. 

14] conditional clause : A conditional clause starts mostly with '' if '' and it denotes a condition . It is actually a Relative clause because it mostly starts with the Relative adverb ''if'' ; eg 

If you eat poison, you will die . 

If you work hard , you will succeed. 

What are the primary types of the conditional sentence? 

When a conditional clause is combined with a Main Clause , it is called a conditional sentence. And , there are four primary types of the Conditional sentence in English language:-

I] Zero conditional sentence

II] 'Will' conditional or first conditional sentence 

III] 'Would' conditional or second conditional sentence

IV] 'would have' conditional or third conditional sentence. 


I] Zero conditional sentence : it denotes common sense or general truths .  

Its formula is [If + present simple + present simple] . 


If you heat water , it evaporates . 

[If you heat water] is an If clause , 

(it evaporates.) is a Main clause 


if I hear butter, it melts . 

If it rains , the grass becomes wet . 

If the sun sets , the darkness spreads . 

If you drop a ball on the hard surface , it bounces back . 

[Note : Conditional sentences contain mostly ''if '' but we can use other relative adverbs like , unless , provided that , in case etc ] 

II] WILL conditional sentence: it denotes a probable condition and its probable result . It can show possibility, threat , willingness etc . 

Its formula is [ If + present simple + Will]


If I drop this cup, it will break.

If she hates me , I will run away from her. 


I will run away from her if she hates me. 

[Note: the conditional clause is separated from Main Clause with a comma unless '' if '' comes in the middle of the sentence . ]

Touch my shirt , I will break your hands . [ if and subject is dropped in spoken English ] 

If my boss orders me , I will obey . 

III] WOULD conditional sentence

It denotes intention or a hypothetical condition . 

Its formula is [ If + past simple + Would]


If she studied harder, she would pass.

 [Since she did not study hard , she did not pass.]

If I were a bird , I would shit on your head .

  [Since I am not a bird , you are safe .]

If you had money , you would help me .

IV] WOULD HAVE conditional sentence: It denotes a possibility in the past. In other words, it shows an unreal past condition and its unreal result in past . 

 Its formula is [ If + past perfect + Would have .] 


If I had known the answer, I would have told him. [ Since I did not know the answer , I did not tell him . ]

If she had obeyed her husband, she would have lived happily.  

If the thief had not escaped , the owner of the house would have murdered him . 

What are the supplementary types of the conditional sentence?

The following types of the conditional sentence fall in the supplementary category : 

I] Imperative—condition : It is used to make polite requests . Its formula is [ If + present simple + imperative sentence ] 


If you don't need me any more , kindly let me go . 

If you are free today , please visit me . 

If you are our guest , come inside. 

II] Will—Will condition: It denotes offers , threats , chances etc . Its formula is [ If + Will + will ] . 


If you will bother my girlfriend again , I will murder you . 

If she will not misbehave with my parents and siblings, I will marry her . 

If I will be pushed to the wall, I will definitely react . 

III] Past—past condition: It denotes access, power , control etc . Its formula is [ If + past simple + past simple ] .


If God decided to create something, He created it . 

If she asked her parents for a scooty , she got it . 

If America loved any resource of any poor nation , she usurped it . 

IV] Past—Present condition: It is used for verification, feedback, commenting etc . Its formula is [ If +past simple + present simple ] .


If you attended the exam , where is your answer booklet ? 

If you dumped that loyal girl , you are a big fool . 

If you finished your work , why are you still here ? 

If he understood this book , he is a genius . 

V] Perfect—present condition: It denotes an unreal past condition and its probable result at present . Its formula is [If+ past perfect + present time ] 

Examples : 

If I had listened to the advice of my school teachers , I would not be suffering now . 

She would not be in this mess today if she had not left her loving husband for her handsome boyfriend ten years ago. 


Correct the following conditional sentences :

1. If we heat butter , it melted . 

2. If it rains , the grass would become wet .

3. If I had wings , I should fly. 

4. I will help you if I have enough money . 

5. If she had studied hard , she passed .

6. If she had not wasted her time with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc , she will have become a professor . 

7. If you were our guest , come inside. 

8. He just took it if he wants anything. 

9. If you misbehave with people, I arrest you .

10. If you gave me ten lac rupees , where was the proof ? 

11. If you visit the valley of kashmir, which places you have seen? 

12. If would be a fantastic news if you really buy a car . 

13. If you don't call your mother , she will be cursing you .

14. If I feel thirsty , I would drink water immediately.

15. Would you help me if I ask ? 

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Author: Sahil Sharifdin Bhat 


  1. ##You are a true gift to the people in your life.....I really aapreciate everything that you do.....N the world would be a better place if more people were like you!......❤❤❤👍👍👍


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