Yes, I Saw Love With My Eyes (Sahil Sharifdin Bhat ) Love is the heartbeat of existence. Love turns hardships into ease. Love is the purpose of existence. A loveless life is a severe disease. Yes, I saw love with my baby eyes, Singing me a melodious song, Feeding me from her gentle bosom While holding me in hands strong. Yes, I saw love with my child eyes Playing with me in school ground, Climbing trees that had unripe fruit, Watching birds with beautiful sound. Yes, I saw love again with child eyes When I was studying in grade third. A girl with green eyes and black hair, Speaking words that were unheard. Yes, I saw love with my teen eyes When I noticed the call for prayer. I was told there is a God Loving me dearly and taking care. Yes, I saw love with my eager eyes Kissing, hugging and cuddling me. Then, doing the same with other boys, And, leaving me broken, weeping a sea. Years later , she called on my phone Saying, sorry for breaking your heart,
This blog is dedicated to all teachers and all students of all places. Who is Sahil Sharifdin Bhat? Well , he is a writer who has written a few books , hundreds of poems and over 2000 quotes . He frequently writes on literature , philosophy, physical health , religion , love , mental Health , education and various other topics . Sahil loves to write articles, poetry and quotes and he loves to translate non-English poems and popular Urdu songs into easy English language for average readers.