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Showing posts from January, 2025

Humanity Has Taken Just Four Major Steps

  Humanity Has Taken Just Four Major Steps In ancient times, people believed in myths and shaped their lives accordingly. For example, they thought there was no rain because the rain god was angry or that earthquakes occurred because the earth itself was angry. They fought wars—such as the Trojan War, the Kurukshetra War and the Kalinga War—using horses and swords. During the medieval period, people believed in an all-powerful God who controlled the universe. They attributed natural disasters such as droughts and earthquakes to divine wrath, seeing them as punishments for human sins. They fought the Crusades and other holy wars in the name of God, using horses and swords. In the early modern era, people began relying on reason and scientific understanding. They realized that the absence of rain was due to global warming and that earthquakes were caused by the movement of tectonic plates. They fought two World Wars and killed millions of people using guns, tanks, cannons, jets an...

150 Greatest Philosophers of All Time

  The evolution of global thinking is greatly based on philosophy. (Sahil) Four Major Steps Taken by Humanity so Far : Step 1. Belief in myths & many gods [ Ancient Times]  { Best poem : The Epic of Gilgamesh (circa 2100 BCE)} Step 2. Belief in one  God. [ Medieval Times] { Best poem : The Masnavi (1207–1273 CE) } Step 3. Belief in Mechanical Technology  [ 18th Century onwards] { Best poem : Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold. } Step 4. Belief in Digital Technology [Late 20th century onwards] {Best poem : All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan} Step 5. ❓(It may be   the age of Cyborgs — general people enhanced with technology.)  150 Greatest Philosophers of All Time  Best  book on philosophy here👇📖, click here to download it👇 BOOK:   Most influential Philosophers Introduction: Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, reality, morality, reason and the meaning of life. I...