Humanity Has Taken Just Four Major Steps
In ancient times, people believed in myths and shaped their lives accordingly. For example, they thought there was no rain because the rain god was angry or that earthquakes occurred because the earth itself was angry. They fought wars—such as the Trojan War, the Kurukshetra War and the Kalinga War—using horses and swords.
During the medieval period, people believed in an all-powerful God who controlled the universe. They attributed natural disasters such as droughts and earthquakes to divine wrath, seeing them as punishments for human sins. They fought the Crusades and other holy wars in the name of God, using horses and swords.
In the early modern era, people began relying on reason and scientific understanding. They realized that the absence of rain was due to global warming and that earthquakes were caused by the movement of tectonic plates. They fought two World Wars and killed millions of people using guns, tanks, cannons, jets and poisonous gases.
Today, in the modern technological age, people place their faith in technology. They believe they can manipulate nature—creating artificial rain when needed and constructing earthquake-resistant infrastructure. They fight occasionally but constantly use economic, political, social and technological means to maintain control and exploit the masses and weak nations.
In summary, humanity has taken four major steps so far:
1. Myth-centered world ➡️
2. God-centered world ➡️
3. Science-centered world ➡️
4. Technology-centered world ➡️
Unfortunately, some parts of the world remain stuck in steps 1 and 2, while others are already preparing to take step 5—whatever that may be.
Speak the truth and it shall set you free✔️
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