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They Are Interesting People!


Title: They Are Interesting People!
Author: Sahil Sharifdin Bhat


  • Alien 1
  • Alien 2

Scene: Alien 1 has been to Earth for a few months. Upon returning to his home somewhere in the universe, he reports to his boss about Earth and its inhabitants.

Alien 2: (Happily) Welcome back, dear! Tell me about them.

Alien 1: They are quite stupid but their happiness seems to be completely rooted in their stupidity.

Alien 2: Elaborate.

Alien 1: They are born, learn to earn, get married, produce offspring and then die. They have been doing this since the time of Adam.

Alien 2: Adam?

Alien 1: Adam and his wife, Eve, are the ones they believe were the first human beings created by God. These two are considered the ancestors of everyone living on that planet now.

Alien 2: God?

Alien 1: They believe that God is a self-created being who made the entire universe and continues to govern it. Most of them  pray to Him regularly. 

Alien 2: Amazing! Do they suffer on Earth?

Alien 1: A lot. Daily. Permanently.

Alien 2: Why do they not just end their lives?

Alien 1: Some of them do.

Alien 2: Why not all of them?

Alien 1: They hold on to the hope of achieving permanent happiness.

Alien 2: But you just said they suffer a lot.

Alien 1: They do. Yet, I still can’t understand why they continue to be born, learn to earn, reproduce and then die. They truly are interesting people!

Both together: Hahahaha

                            {Curtain falls}


Note: You cannot take your own life without the permission of God, no matter how much you suffer. You are not as free as you think you are. Someone is controlling you and someone is watching you at all times. You must endure severe pain to shine brighter. It is recommended to practice patience and stay hopeful for better days.


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