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Opinion of Dr Allama Iqbal on the Palestine conflict

Opinion of Dr Allama Iqbal on the  Palestine conflict

 There is no doubt whatsoever that Dr Allama Iqbal was one of the top Muslim intellectuals of the 20th century. He studied  English, Arabic , Persian , Urdu , law , History , philosophy and various other disciplines in the colleges and the universities of Lahore , England and Germany . He performed his duties as a lawyer in Lahore High court , as a professor in Lahore college and as a statesman ,the head of the Muslim League. He was indeed a gift of Allah to the modern Muslim community. He was a wonder man . He observed all people of all regions meticulously and offered them timely guidance and advice to the best of his efficiency . His eyes wept blood and his heart ached him intensely whenever he saw any Muslim in trouble anywhere. 

With regard to the rights of the people of  Palestine , he struggled a lot and it is obvious in his poetry . The following Verses by him bear witness to the fact that he did not believe that the conflict of Palestine will ever be solved in the European assemblies . He wanted the entire Muslim community to unite under one flag to solve the conflict of Palestine . He believed in his heart of hearts that the people of Palestine  are themselves capable of emancipating their land and Al-aqsa Masjid from Jewish claws provided they are supported by the Muslims of other lands as Jews are supported by all the European nations . 

As Muslims, it is our duty to restore peace in ourselves, our families, our villages , our cities , our lands and in the entire world . What will be our  answer if after our deaths our Allah asks us , '' what did you do when you saw your Muslim brothers and sisters crying , wailing and weeping in their helplessness ? '' 

Go through the verses of Dr Allama Iqbal given below and refresh your sleepy consciences . 

نظم : فلسطینی عر ب سے 


زمانہ اب بھی نہیں جس کے سوز سے فارغ 
 میں جانتا ہوں وہ آتش ترے وجود میں ہے

 تری دَوا نہ جنیوا میں ہے، نہ لندن میں
 فرنگ کی رگِ جاں پنجۂ یَہود میں ہے

 سُنا ہے مَیں نے، غلامی سے اُمتوّں کی نجات

 خودی کی پرورش و لذّتِ نمود میں ہے!

[Translation by Sahil Sharifdin Ëñglísh] 👇

Poem; To the Palestinian Arab

The fire of which the world is still scared ;

That fire is still hidden in your chest , I know .

You will never receive justice in the assemblies of Geneva and London;

Because, the jugular vein of the Christian is in the tight grip of Jews .

I have heard that the emancipation of the nations from the slavery lies ;

in the constant nourishing and manifesting of '' self-respect ''. 

===== ====== =====

Share for sawab and for the love of Palestine. 


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