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The True Heirs of Palestine ?

The True Heirs of Palestine ? 

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Who does Palestine belong to according to the holy Bible ? 

The holy Bible answers that Palestine belongs to the seed  [biological children ] of the prophet Abraham. Read the verse quoted below:

Genesis 17:8 [KJV]

And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan [Palestine], for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.

However, the next question is that who are the children of the prophet Abraham ? 

The holy Bible again answers that the biological children of the prophet Abraham are Jews and Arabs as the Jews descended from Isaac and the Arabs descended from Ishmael . Isaac and Ishmael are the two legitimate sons of Abraham and the holy Bible bears witness to it :

Genesis 16:15 [KJV]

And Hagar bare Abraham a son: and Abraham called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.  

Genesis 21:3 [KJV]

And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac.

The third Important question rises that who should live in Palestine now since the holy Bible proves that it belongs to both Jews and Arabs ? 

Any impartial judge or a sensible human being or any champion of the human rights will say that both Jews and Arabs should live with peace and harmony in Palestine or they should share it equally between themselves. Nevertheless, a biased Jew will say that it is unacceptable . He will not share Palestine with Arabs since he and his Jewish community have won it from Arabs after many battles . That is never done . Ask him, how will he feel if 1800 million Muslims win it back tomorrow from him and his 14 million Jewish brothers ? How will he feel if Arab Muslims ignore the Biblical teachings tomorrow like he does today ? Therefore, be a true Jew and the true seed of the prophet Abraham and follow the instructions given in the holy Bible seriously. Stand up for what is written in the holy Bible and look  the deviated politicians of Israel and their supporters world over into eyes and tell them , ''don't misinterpret the holy Bible for their vote banks and other political gains . Let the seed of the prophet Abraham live in the land of Canaan [ Palestine ] with peace and harmony '' . Do it now , for , tomorrow will be too late . It is the golden opportunity for all the Jews of Israel to prove to the world that they are certainly the seed of the prophet Abraham and they are real peacemakers. Let them give to the Arabs their due share from Palestine and thus win their souls and hearts as well as the hearts of the whole world for ever . Let them be Biblical Jews once again . 

Some hatemongers will dispute with you on the status of Hagar and Sarah . Tell them that they both were the loving wives of the prophet Abraham and the prophet Abraham loved them both dearly . He loved his children that he obtained by them . Isaac and Ishmael were the tokens of love that Abraham had for his beloved wives . When the prophet Abraham himself didn't differentiate between Hagar and Sarah , what right does any Jew or Arab have to differentiate between them ? 

The life of this world is temporary and short . One truly religious person will never waste his/ her eternal life for the few days on the planet earth . He will not kill the seed of the prophet Abraham for the worldly gains. He will not usurp their legal rights and he Will never break the following Commandments given in the holy Bible: 

Exodus 20:13, 15, 17 [KJV]

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

To conclude, when the second caliph of Islam , the great Umar conquered Jerusalem in 637 CE , he did not ban Jews from living in Palestine. In fact , he allowed them to practice their religion happily and dealt with them justly . The muslim Spain , as stated by many a Jewish scholars in their books , was the golden period of the Jewish diaspora since the unfortunate demolition of the second temple by Romans . Why do Jews not remember that ? The Jews and Arabs are brothers . Therefore, let  a small number of fanatics not overpower you and hijack and then misuse your beliefs . Let  them not use the holy teachings of Bible for their vested interests . Let  the devil not blind your eyes , ears and brains . Speak the truth at the top of your voice if you have ability to speak . Use all available platforms to spread the truth and to bring the much needed peace in the land of Canaan. Convince the world to work for the peace between Jews and Arabs especially between Israel and Palestine. Unite the children of the prophet Abraham and advise them to live with peace and harmony . Listen to the voice of God and unheed the whisperings of the devil . Don't be thirsty of one another's blood . Kindly save the seed and blood of the prophet Abraham from going waste . Please, unite the brothers. 

                  ***     ***

===A gift to true Jews and genuine Arabs====

_sahil Sharifdin Ëñglísh




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