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مسلمان قبروں میں چلے گئے اور اسلام کتابوں میں رہ گیا!

  مسلمان قبروں میں چلے گئے اور  اسلام کتابوں میں رہ گیا! ( مصنف: ساحِلؔ) جب ہم کسی مسلمان سے سوال پوچھتے ہیں کہ آپ اسلام پر مکمل طور پر عمل کیوں نہیں کرتے ہو تو اُس کی باتوں کا نچوڑ یہی ہوتا ہے کہ اگر "میں نے  اسلام پر مکمل طور پر عمل کرنا شروع کیا تو میرا جینا اس جدید دور میں مشکل ہو جائے گا" ۔ ویسے بھی آج مسلمان دنیا کے جس کونے میں بھی رہتا ہے پریشان ہی ہے، کہیں مسلمان پِٹتا ہے اور کہیں مارا جاتا ہے، کہیں مظلوم ہے اور کہیں انصاف کے لیے زور زور سے رو رہا ہے۔ مسلمان نہ کہیں پر آج خوش ہے اور نہ آزاد ، اِس کی ایک ہی وجہ ہے کہ مسلمان اسلام سے دور ہو گیا اور موجودہ دور کے رنگ میں رنگتا گیا۔ موجودہ دور کا مسلمان یہی کہتا ہے کہ کسی طرح سے پیسہ ملنا چاہیے باقی سب تو میں سنبھال لوں گا۔  حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے زمانے میں مسلمان دنیا میں فخر اور آزادی کے ساتھ جیتا تھا۔ اُس زمانے میں مسلمان غلام نہیں تھا، بلکہ مالک تھا۔ غیر مسلموں سے محبت کرتا تھا اور غیر مسلم بھی مسلمانوں کی دل سے عزّت کرتے تھے۔ آج کے مسلمان ایک دوسرے کے جانی دشمن بن چکے ہیں اور غیر مسلم بھی آج مسلمانوں کے دشمن بن چ

کیا #اسلام صرف بے وقوف لوگ مانتے ہیں؟

  کیا # اسلام صرف بے وقوف لوگ مانتے ہیں؟   اگر آپ آج کسی پڑھے لکھے ذہین انسان کو پوچھیں گے کہ ایران اور ترکیہ کے درمیان کوئی تیسرا ملک ہے یا نہیں، میں 80 فیصد یقین کے ساتھ کہتا ہوں کہ اُس شخص کو پتہ نہیں ہوگا۔  حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے زمانے میں (AD 571_ AD632 ٔٔ) فلسطین میں ایرانی مجوسیوں اور مغربی عیسائیوں کا دبدبہ تھا۔ یہودی لوگ وہاں بہت کم اور بہت کمزور تھے۔ اُن یہودیوں میں اتنی ہمت نہ تھی کہ اپنا مندر ( جو حضرت سلیمان علیہ السلام نے 1000 BC میں بنایا تھا، پھر بابل کے بادشاہ نبوکڈ نگر نے 586 BC میں گرایا تھا، پھر یہودیوں نے 515 BC میں پھر سے بنایا مگر رومی شہنشاہ ٹائٹس نے 70 AD میں پھر سے گرایا۔ یہودیوں کا وہ کعبہ آج تک گِرا ہوا ہے۔) پھر سے تعمیر کریں۔ آب آج ، اکیسویں صدی میں یہودی فلسطین میں بسنے والے مسلمانوں اور سچے عیسائیوں کا قتل عام کر رہے ہیں اور اُن کو وہاں سے پوری طرح نکالنا چاہتے ہیں۔ یہ وہ اِس لیے کر رہے ہیں تاکہ اپنے مندر/ ہائیکل یا اپنے کعبے کو تیسری دفعہ تعمیر کر سکیں گے۔ اس کام کے لیے اُن کو باقی چیزوں کے علاوہ ایک لال گائے کی بھی ضرورت ہے۔ اگر یہودی آج دنیا

There Is A Kind Damsel

  There Is A Kind Damsel     ( Poet: Sahil Sharifdin Bhat) This world is a long night And I guess I am asleep.  My life is a weird dream That makes me often weep.  In the prime of spring, My garden is looking brown.  The seeds I have sown  Are lifeless there down.  The pillars of my labour One by one , fall apart.  I pray to all gods But they answer me not.  All my fellow-birds  Move to the greener land  And I am all alone  Here on the burning sand.  Friends no longer miss me And angry are my relatives.  My merits are invisible. I have vibrant negatives.  There is a kind damsel  And she holds me dear. Kissing my forehead, she says, 'My darling, don't despair'.  She gives me books to read  She walks by my side. In this crowded world  She is my loving guide.  Love gives you a fresh hope And puts you back on feet. Love heals  aged wounds.  Love makes the world sweet.  Watch the video of this poem 👇 ---------------------------------------------  ©️Images courtesy: rightful o

Yes, I Saw Love With My Eyes

Yes, I Saw Love With My Eyes        (Sahil Sharifdin Bhat ) Love is the heartbeat of existence. Love turns hardships into ease.  Love is the purpose of existence.  A loveless life is a severe disease.   Yes, I saw love with my baby eyes, Singing me a melodious song,  Feeding me from her gentle bosom While holding me in hands strong.  Yes, I saw love with my child eyes  Playing with me in school ground, Climbing trees that had unripe fruit, Watching birds with beautiful sound.  Yes, I saw love again with child eyes  When I was studying in grade third.  A girl with green eyes and black hair,  Speaking words that were unheard.  Yes, I saw love with my teen eyes  When I noticed the call for prayer.  I was told there is a God  Loving me dearly and taking care. Yes, I saw love with my eager eyes   Kissing, hugging and cuddling me.  Then, doing the same with other boys, And, leaving me broken, weeping a sea.  Years later , she called on my phone Saying, sorry for breaking your heart, 

Origin of Christmas?

  Origin of Christmas ? 1] People used to celebrate # saturnalia [ Birthday of Saturn]  on 25th of December before Christianity came into existence. According to # Roman mythology, Saturn was the son of Uranus (the sky) and Gaia (the Earth) same as Jesus is allegedly thought  to be the son of God.  2] Later on, Christians hijacked saturnalia and renamed it 'Christmas'. Thus , they stole this festival from the Roman mythology in the Mediaeval Times. In 17th-century England, Christmas was banned by Puritans, but it was later reinstated during the Restoration. 3] In the United States, the 19th century saw the revival of Christmas traditions, influenced by German immigrants and the publication of Clement Clarke Moore's "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (1823). 4] Modern Christmas customs, including Santa Claus, became more standardized in the 20th century through  literature, movies , advertising and popular culture. [For a comprehensive study, consult "The B

Twelve Things To Have A Simple And Happy Life?

''I think a young individual needs the following Twelve things to have a simple and  happy life: 1] Health 2] Parents 3] Formal Education 4] Faith in the Creator 5] Wealth 6] Loyal people around 7] Liberty  8] Leisure and entertainment   9] A Profession/occupation  10] Compassion for others  11] Staying away from toxic people and things  12] Continuous Learning    ( Sahil Sharifdin Bhat )

Biography of Sahil Sharifdin Bhat

Sahil Sharifdin English In the quiet village near the saffron town of Pampore, nestled within the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir in India, resides a remarkable individual known as Sahil Sharifdin Bhat, popularly known as Sahil Sharifdin English. Unlike those around him, Sahil has chosen a different path, one that is steeped in knowledge and enlightenment. His days are spent immersed in books, delving into the realms of wisdom and truth. From an early age, Sahil has been captivated by these ideas, drawn to their transformative power. For more than a decade, he has dedicated his expertise to teaching English language and religion. His passion for these subjects has driven him to author a remarkable collection of books, all of which can be found on popular platforms like Amazon and Flipkart. Among his notable works are "From Delusion To Delight," "Languageguard," "Editing & Proofreading,"

World's Ten Greatest Books

  World's Ten Greatest Books  ''You don't need to read any other book after reading the following books''  1) The Bible 2) The Quran 3) The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer 4) The Republic by Plato 5) The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith 6) The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 7) The Principia Mathematica by Isaac Newton  8) The Social Contract by  Jean-Jacques Rousseau  9) On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin  10) The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud ====================  > The Art of Computer Programming by Donald E. Knuth > The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Eleanor Roosevelt, Pen-Chun Chang and Charles Malik 

Why Do They Burn The Holy Quran ?

Why Do They Burn The Holy Quran ?   Sahil Sharifdin Bhat   ''The Western education futilely aims to make our bodies healthier with the blood of our souls. ''   What is the Quran? The Quran is the holy book of Islam, believed by Muslims to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over a span of approximately 23 years, beginning around 610 CE and concluding around 632 CE. As of 2023, the holy Quran is approximately 1,391 years old. The term 'Quran' originates from the Arabic word   'Qa-Ra-Aa,' meaning 'to recite' or 'to read aloud.' It serves as a comprehensive guide encompassing moral, spiritual, political, and religious matters. The Quran contains teachings, laws, scientific facts, historical narratives, and other important aspects of the Islamic faith. Muslims firmly believe that the holy Quran has remained unaltered since its revelation and has been preserved in its original form unlike its rival books.

Selling Honour for iPhones/cars

  Selling Honour for iPhones/cars  لگے گی آگ تو آئیں گے کئی گھر زد میں 😭۔۔۔ "It is essential for parents to be vigilant about their daughters' activities and ensure they are not engaged in indecency or prostitution while seeking formal jobs. Some girls may deceive their parents by claiming to earn substantial amounts through jobs in #Call centers or the #Tourism industry, when in reality, they resort to selling their bodies to acquire material possessions like fancy clothes, iPhones, and cars. However, such ill-gotten wealth can never bring true happiness and peace. These girls may preach that money matters more than education in the modern era, but it is crucial to identify them in our neighborhoods and guide them before it is too late and before they drag other families' daughters into vulgarity and disgrace. Education and moral values are the foundation of a meaningful and fulfilling life. Let's not allow this raging fire to burn homes too.''