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Fighting confusions, depressions and distractions , an article by sahil sharifdin English


Fighting confusions, depressions and distractions


You all need to learn how to live peacefully and happily on the planet earth . You have to write down a set of principles and then follow them , otherwise, you will keep floating aimlessly like a boat at the mercy of the  wind on the surface of a stormy ocean .

If you look back at the activities you have been indulging in for the last six months , you will have no problem concluding that you are probably no different from a certified mad person.  You know why , sometimes you pray, sometimes you watch movies , sometimes you desire to have branded items, sometimes you want to live a very simple life , sometimes you copy others , sometimes you watch motivational videos , sometimes you try to guide others,  sometimes you feel proud of yourself and sometimes you curse yourself. It happens with you only because you are operating yourself without having any proper manual . Therefore, sit down for a while, shut your eyes , take a few dozens of long breaths and decide to write down a manual for yourself. The most important thing in your life are not relatives, friends , fame , bikes , cars ,  stylish homes , big posts , social image , Charity work,  tours and travels . The most important thing for you is '' health ''. You will enjoy every food , every tour , every date and every moment of your life only and only if you are healthy . Build your health to the maximum limit possible by undertaking physical training.  sweat daily . Wake up early even if you will have nothing to do and sleep early even on your wedding night .

The next important thing you need to prescribe to yourself is '' Knowledge'' . Knowledge is your lost treasure and you should struggle daily to repossess it. Read books of Literature, religion, science, technology , business,  Health etc . Read biographies and autobiographies of the legends. Read an hour or two routinely. You know what , physically you are what you eat and mentally you are what you read . The point is to consult most knowledgeable people and ask them what to read and what not to . If you are a student, better focus on the books in your syllabus.  If you want to live different from the people around you , then you need to read the books written by the people not living around you . You can also watch documentaries and life-changing international movies . Believe me , more knowledge makes you more humane . It is basically knowledge that differentiates human beings from animals . To conclude,  If you can compare yourself with a computer ,  health is your hardware and knowledge is your software . Your aim should be to read all special books of all places .

The third important thing in one's life in modern times is '' wealth ''. To settle down in modern times means to start earning . Wealth makes you move around respectably. Wealth builds your confidence . Wealth wins you admirers , modern friends and relatives. Wealth makes you enter boldly restaurants, universities, shopping malls, homes of people etc . However, use wealth as your shoes not your feet . Too much of Wealth is bad too. It may be true that wealth is like oxygen in modern times but it is also true that nobody wastes his entire life only on '' respiration ''. The cheapest thinking is to stop seeing beyond Wealth. If wealth were a panacea or if wealth were the absolute solution to all human problems , the famous billionaires like Bosov and VG Siddharth were never commit sucide.

Next is the need to get emotionally stable . You think and you feel . You have a strong control over your thinking but loose grip on your Emotions. Anger , hate , love , fear , happiness, sadness etc are some of  your Emotions. You need to train yourself to get more and more balanced emotionally. The more stable you are emotionally, the better . It should be one of the principles engraved on your personal manual to be forgiving and patient. At the same time, you should not let people to exploit your easy nature . According to me , you should love people ten percent more than they love you but you should ignore them ten percent less than they ignore you.  A very kind person ends up sacrificing himself for others and a very cruel person ends up being killed by others . In the light of the same arguments , you need to follow a middle path in the matter of emotions. The fact is that you need friends and relatives , no matter how selfish and evil they are . You are a human being , not God . Therefore, you can't live your entire life all alone . The long and bitter journey of life will be covered only in the company of fellow human beings. Plus, you don't really  lose when you lose some person or thing in your life . And, you don't really win when you win someone or something. You have been created  self-sufficient by God . You are perfect as you are . You have all you need . Fox example, you need to see, you have eyes , you need to talk , you have mouth , you need to walk , you have legs .  etc . You need not to die for someone and someone will not die for you . That should be one of your primary beliefs in order to bring the equilibrium in your tumultuous sea of emotions.  This thinking may have a few exceptions but this thinking covers 99.9 % of your cases. Remember, you don't have to curse yourself for your failures . Failures come to teach you golden lessons . No need to go to the emotional extremities , have faith in God and accept that He is the better planner and admit that He knows better what is good for you. All good and bad comes from Him and His all good and all bad are necessary for your right growth and development .

Let me tell you very frankly , the religion or faith that handicaps you or asks you to hate and kill fellow human beings or makes you narrow-minded and lazy is never ever from the true God . The primary function of the religion should be to make your life easier on this planet, otherwise, it is not worth following.  The holy Quran in chapter 2 verse 185 clearly says that ''God wants to make your life easy with the Quranic instructions and He certainly doesn't want to make your life difficult ''. Some so called scholars may misinterpret the religious texts for their vested interests but you need to be alert , wary and  on your guard.  I have been through heaven and hell during my academic and professional life and I tell you that when you feel lowest and broken , it is only the force of faith that lifts you up and sets you back on the track. But , but , but use the religion as your specs and not as your eyes . Keep your mind always open . Welcome the innovative ideas and progressive ways . Don't fear to change with the changing times . Religion is a God given manual for the machine called human being , however, it is not the fixed and unchanging manual. The verses of Quran are not sentences but signs and they have been guiding all people of all places and all times . It is better to develop a personal relationship with God in the light of scriptures . You need not lick the feet of priests and Muftis to reach God . The priests and Muftis are people like you . They eat like you do. They sleep like you do . They sit every morning on the commode like you do . They read books and then preach you . Why should you not read the authentic books to frame your own personal manual and follow it ?


To summarize, there are as many philosophies and ways to lead life on this planet as there are human beings walking on the selfsame planet . My philosophy is not the absolute philosophy and neither is anyone else's. However, it helps me to motivate and encourage myself and the people close to me . They come to me sometimes as broken , beaten and hopeless but they often return to their homes as delighted and happy. There are,  so to say , millions of distractions on the earth for a human being . It is difficult to maintain one's cool in the midst if it . I thought over it years and then realised that the only purpose of every human being is '' to live and let live peacefully and happily''. I stretched it a bit and kept teaching the people around to follow health , knowledge [education] , wealth [ careers] and right faith . I think these are very vehicles of the modern life . Focus on least items and live most happy . Leave politics to politicians, wars to soldiers , patients to doctors and social problems to social activists . You change yourself and you sweep your own compound . The whole world will change and the entire earth will become clean.    Also, leave greed and chase need . Be patient, be forgiving and never cease smiling.




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