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What do you want , woman ?


 [ A story by sahil Sharifdin Ëñglísh ]


'' What do you want , woman ? '' , a man asked .


The woman opened her mouth : I want my rights and freedom . When I am born , my parents become sad . I should be given the right to take birth . There are no schools for me . I should be given the right to attend school. There are more rules than the items of dress available for me . I should be left alone when it comes to put on and take off my clothes . I like some boys and some I dislike. I should be given the right to pick the boys of my choice and be in live-in relationships with them  . I will not appear again and again on this planet . This life is a one time chance . I should be given the right to drive . I should be given the right to vote .  I should be given the right to gossip . I should be saved from domestic , social , national and international violence.  I should be given the right to smoke and drink and nobody should raise  eyebrows at me .  I want to work to earn my livelihood and I should be given the right to work outside the home . I want to chase my dreams in the fields of art , music , cinema , sports , games and numerous similar fields and I should be given the right to fulfill those dreams . I should not be murdered in the name of family honour.  I want to attend late night parties fearlessly and my family should not stop me . My family should help me if I fail in something but they should have no right whatsoever to stop me from living the life of my choice . You know , where will I go , if my family kicks me out of the home for my so called misbehaviour when I am immature and young ? If they do so when I am well  settled  in life , I will welcome it . Moreover, I want to marry the man of my choice . He must not demand any kind of dowry from me but he must buy me expensive bridal gifts even if he needs to take a loan or sell his kidneys.  I want him to love , honour, obey , follow and listen to me . I should be forgiven in case I make blunders because I am a woman .  I am married to him and not to his culture , caste and religion. I don't want  him to impose his religion , traditions , family manners and most importantly his surname on me. I don't want to cook for him . I don't want to wash his clothes and the clothes of his kids . I don't want to sweep his room where we both live . I don't want him to do marital rape to me . I want to check his cell phone regularly to know who he is chatting with but he must never touch  my cell phone ,  handbag or anything that purely belongs to me  . He must employ another woman [ of course of my choice ] to cook for him and his kids and to do his household chores . After all , I should be treated as a queen in the matters of rights and freedoms and I should never be reminded of my duties and responsibilities. The men have been suppressing me since generations and centuries and it is my time now to take revenge upon all men  of all places  . It is another matter that   the men I hate and take revenge upon are only a few years old and I am more or less of their  age too .  Nevertheless, my husband should hand over his ATM card to me unquestioningly when I ask for it and he must not question me how much I withdraw from it and why ? I love to meet my male friends and female friends and I should be given the right to do that whenever I want . But , he should not contact any of his female or male  friends without my permission . He should not even talk to his parents and siblings without my permission. He must wear What I like , eat what I choose for him and behave as I approve. As I said , I  am married to him and not to his caste , religion and surname, however, I am married to his wealth before I am married to him . He must give me the half of his all wealth in case I take divorce from him . If I separate from him by any chance to enjoy myself at my maiden home , he must pay alimony to me besides paying for my daily  meals , clothes , life insurance, cosmetics, medicine,  tours and travels . He must treat me as a queen even though he will be a small employee. Therefore, it must be made clear by all religious and constitutional laws that my salary and wealth  are only my salary and wealth  and his salary and wealth are  mine too. I should be given all the religious rights that are there and no duties . I should also be given all secular  freedoms that are there and no responsibilities . In addition to the above , I should be given all secular, religious, economic, political,  domestic,  educational , recreational, social , legal , moral , physical , sexual , spiritual, external and internal rights if any of them I missed to mention earlier in this talk ... but no duties at all . When my son or husband or father or brother would like to discipline me , I should be given the right to hold the placards saying '' My body ; my choice '' , ''I am divorced and happy '' , Don't change my dress code , change your thinking'' etc etc and I should be allowed to protest in markets and on roads to disturb also  those people  whom I don't know . If I make sexual advances towards a man , he should call it entertainment. If a man  makes sexual advances towards me , that should be labelled as Sexual harassment and he must me humiliated publicly and  on the social media and arrested by the military immediately. Plus , all feminists must rush on roads to protest in my favour . Since I am a woman , I should not be sent to fight wars to save my nation. I should not be jailed if I commit a crime . I should be offered a seat in public transport because I am a woman . I should not  be asked to stand in queues behind the  counters at airports, hospitals, banks , food stores , employment offices , universities etc since I am a woman . I  should be given  all these things if the world wants to enjoy peace otherwise I will turn  the world  into hell for everyone.   You tell me , do I ask for too much ? All other women may be feeling shy of making a list at a time of all the things they want  but I am not . I am a woman of twenty first century and I boldly demand what I truly want .


The man  interrupted : I agree with the most of the things you demanded . Those who rape women should be immediately hanged . Those who harm and torment women should be punished by the law . Every man and every woman should be treated equally socially, educationally, politically ,  economically and in every other way. But , would you be surely happy if all these demands of yours are fulfilled ? ''  


The woman squeezed her face and replied : well , I am not sure . After all , I am a human being, not  God .




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